
arum n.【植物;植物學】白星海竽屬。 arum lily 【...


Promoter bob arum has commented that in a strange way zab judah ' s loss to baldomir may make your fight against zab saturday night more competitive as judah ' s back is now against the wall 推廣人鮑勃?阿魯姆已經評論說:扎普?朱達是用很奇怪的方式輸給了巴米多米爾,這使你在星期六的夜晚,挑戰扎普的比賽更有競爭性,因為現在朱達是背水一戰。

The titan arum opens every one to three years 大王花每1至三年才開一次花。

The titan arum opens every one to three years 這個太陽神海竽植物梅三年展出一次。