
arugula n.【植物;植物學】芝麻菜。


Toast bread and place on plates . top each with wilted arugula and a salmon fillet . drizzle mustard sauce over top . serve immediately 烤面包片,然后放在盤子中。把每片面包上面放上一片枯萎的芝麻菜和一片魚。上面撒上酸辣芥末醬,即可食用。

In a salad bowl , combine the arugula , lettuce , tomatoes , orange , olives , and onion . add the dressing , tossing to coat well 在一個沙拉碗里,把芝麻菜葉,萵苣,西紅柿,橘子,橄欖和洋蔥混在一起。加上調味品,充分地攪拌使之裹勻。

Transfer to pot . add arugula ; season with salt and pepper . toss ; add more pasta water as desired . serve 將它們倒入罐內。加入芝麻菜,并用鹽和胡椒粉調配。倒出,根據需要再加入煮面條的水。大功告成!

Arugula salad with spicy vinaigrette there ' s nothing more refreshing on a hot day than a delicious salad 炎熱的夏天沒有什么比吃上一盤涼爽美味的色拉更讓人提神了。