
arty adj.〔口語〕冒充藝術品的;自命藝術家的。 arty-...

Having analysed the role and position in social management of “ agriculture , countryside , peasant “ policy at first , the policy is important components of the policy system of our country , and the political program in working in the countryside of the party , the basic means that p arty and government manage the rural economy society , the key factor of influencing the rural social development 首先分析了“三農”政策在社會管理中的作用和地位, “三農”政策是我國政策體系的重要組成部分,是黨在農村工作方面的政治綱領,是黨和政府管理農村經濟社會的基本手段,是影響農村社會發展的關鍵性因素。


However , the meaning of the law in international private international law , international society and the effect of international private international law , observation of international private international law under the anarchical society and limitations of international private international law in protecting international artier have not been analyzed comprehensively and deeply in private international law circles and international politics circles , so the article try to discuss and analyze the issues mentioned above deeply , in order lit grasp the issues of the effect of international private international law on contemporary international relations correctly 然而,在國際私法學界和國際政治學界對國際性國際私法中“法”的含義,在國際社會與國際性國際私法的效用、無政府狀態下國際性國際私法的遵守和國際私法對維護國際秩序的局限性等問題上的分析尚不夠全面、深入,本文擬對上述問題進行深入探討和分析,以便能夠正確地把握國際性國際私法在當代國際關系中的效用問題。

Having analysed the role and position in social management of “ agriculture , countryside , peasant “ policy at first , the policy is important components of the policy system of our country , and the political program in working in the countryside of the party , the basic means that p arty and government manage the rural economy society , the key factor of influencing the rural social development 首先分析了“三農”政策在社會管理中的作用和地位, “三農”政策是我國政策體系的重要組成部分,是黨在農村工作方面的政治綱領,是黨和政府管理農村經濟社會的基本手段,是影響農村社會發展的關鍵性因素。

The only survivor was arty who is the descendant of asirapit cult . unit nowadays , discovery channel staffs would like to visit a monastery of asirapit cult for their series production . unfortunately they were attacked by drug smuggers 百多年后的今天,電視臺的職員波頓正準備制作一輯有關亞思拉比族人教派的節目,他們更到訪傳說中的神圣寺廟,但不幸被一班毒梟襲擊,波頓僥幸能逃脫,遇上了亞拉蒂。

Francis and other people were encouraging me to make a warm , human film to prove i wasn ' t just some cold , arty director who could only make science fiction films 福朗西斯和其他人鼓勵我制作一部溫馨、人性的電影,以證明我自己不僅僅是一個只能制作科幻影片的冷冰冰的裝藝術家氣派的導演。

Pretty soon the sites were full of lovelorn prose from sister lotus , along with titillating - - but clad - - photos showing her in a variety of poses that must seem arty in shaanxi 于是,很快網站上便到處充斥著芙蓉姐姐有關愛情的隨筆,并配著她搔首弄姿,頗有些陜西藝術特色的照片。

I wouldn t have him touch me , not for anything . but if he thinks he can do anything with his owlish arty staring , let him stare 我決不愿他觸摸我,決不,但是如果他以為用他那藝術家的梟眼瞧著我有益的話,那么,讓他瞧去。

Arty : i will now put these words into my smartypants . i will say a magic word and do a magic dance 我要把這些單詞放進我的魔法褲兜里。我念個咒語,跳一段神奇的魔法舞。

Arty : is it fair to compare such different forms of media such as still life , video etc 把圖像和錄像這兩種媒介拿來比較,是否是公平的?

We will be having new year arty at wang ing ' s this year . you are welcome to join us 今年我們要在王平家開新年晚會,歡迎你也來!

Arty : ooh - ah . dance in smartypants , ooh - ah ! let ' s see what we got . ooh … huh 穿著魔法褲跳舞,我們來看看我們都得到了什么。

The old philistine won ' t budge . too arty , don ' t you know 那是老俗人不肯松口太附庸風雅了,你們不知道嗎

The oid phiiistine won ' t budge . too arty , don ' t you know 那是老俗人不肯松口太附庸風雅了,你們不知道嗎

Arty : do you make your own christmas cards 你自己做圣誕卡嗎?

Arty : do you fancy having a go at doing a commercial feature film 對制作商業的影片有沒有興趣?

He has escaped from them and met arty 最后,他們更譜出一段動人戀曲

Arty ( cont ' d ) : let ' s see what we got , huh 我們看看我們得到了什么。

Arty : has your daughter shown any artistic tendencies yet 你的女兒對藝術有什么傾向嗎?

They sell these arty postcards in the lobby 店員在大廳里賣那些藝術明信片