
artsy adj.1.對藝術有一知半解的興趣的。2.過分裝飾的,浮...


While the president ' s gift list had a distinctly outdoorsy theme , vice president dick cheney received more artsy presents such as paintings and a statue , according to annual financial disclosure documents released on friday 上周五公布的年度財務調查文件顯示,布什總統收到的禮物大多與戶外活動有關,與之相比,副總統迪克?切尼收到的禮物則更富有藝術氣息,如油畫和雕塑。

It ' ll be transported to the capla kesting fine art gallery in brooklyn ' s artsy williamsburg neighborhood , where britney the artwork is to appear next to a display case filled with pro - life materials 當愛德華茲被外界問及他的作品為什么總是引發轟動時,他表示: “這不是一件壞事,人們對這些主題感興趣,這同樣對藝術創作有利。 ”

French : your love of poetry , culture and artsy movies means that french is perfect for you . study up and you can spend afternoons discussing philosophy over a cup of coffee 法語:你喜歡詩歌、文化和文藝類的電影,這都意味著法語更適合你。好好學習,你就可以在下午一杯咖啡的時間內討論哲學了。

Knead and shape the clay into any design you want , e . g . cups , plates , bowls , bases , artsy things , etc 用陶土捏出屬于你自己的作品!可以做杯子、盤子、碗、藝術品…等等。

Utterly bizarre , yet strangely compelling , this artsy horror film demands to be experienced 毫無奇怪,但奇怪的令人信服的,這拍攝優秀的藝術化的恐怖片。

She ' s a little artsy - fartsy 她有點藝術氣,又愛放臭氣

The artsy ' s okay , but when she gets fartsy 藝術氣還好啦但萬一她放臭氣

The artsy ' s okay , but when she gets fartsy . . . 藝術氣還好啦但萬一她放臭氣. . .