
artless adj.1.無虛飾的,天真的,樸實的 (opp. cun...

“ oh , do not be alarmed ; i have been so for many days . “ artless as she was , the young girl knew that this was an opportunity to leave , and besides , madame de villefort came to her assistance 她雖然不善外交辭令,但也知道這是一個離開的機會而且,維爾福夫人也來幫她忙了。 “休息去吧,瓦朗蒂娜, ”她說, “你真的病了,她們會體諒你的。

“ we can sing devotional songs to god and at the same time enjoy ourselves . god is not so miserable and artless . so we can practice meditation and enjoy our lives at the same time . 你們可以唱歌獻給上帝,同時也娛樂自己,上帝不會那么懊惱又沒有藝術感,所以我們大可一邊修行,一邊享受人生

“ i thought you knowed everything , father , “ said the artless boy “我以為你什么都知道呢,爸爸, ”天真的孩子說。

“ask him; you have not asked him,“ said pen's artless uncle . “你對他說呀,你還沒對他說過呢,”小潘這位直率的叔父敦促道。


The children are artless and vivacious , perform excellent and movingly , applause is warm in the field , especially perform while finishing , the whole audience rises to their feet and breaks into out the warm applause for a long time , child curtain calls as much as each , have not as unwilling to leave away people for a long time and give somebody a kind of feeling felt regret at parting from , atmosphere reach climax , i flowed the hot tears 小朋友們天真活潑、演出精彩動人,場內掌聲熱烈,特別是演出結束時,全場起立爆發出長時間的熱烈掌聲,小朋友們一次次的謝幕,人們久久不愿離去,給人一種依依不舍的感覺,氣氛達到最高潮,我都感動得流下了熱淚。

Thou dreamest that thou art wise because thou couldst utter those scoffing words , he said , with a gloomy and scornful irony , while thou art more foolish and artless than a little babe , who , playing with the parts of a cunningly fashioned watch , should rashly say that because he understands not the use of that watch , he does not believe in the maker who fashioned it 你自命不凡,認為你是個賢人,因為你會道出這些褻瀆的話, ”他含著陰悒的譏笑說。 “你比小孩更愚蠢更不明事理,小孩玩耍精工鐘表零件時,會冒失地說他不信任制造鐘表的師傅,其原因是,他不明了鐘表的用途。

The children are artless and vivacious , perform excellent and movingly , applause is warm in the field , especially perform while finishing , the whole audience rises to their feet and breaks into out the warm applause for a long time , child curtain calls as much as each , have not as unwilling to leave away people for a long time and give somebody a kind of feeling felt regret at parting from , atmosphere reach climax , i flowed the hot tears 小朋友們天真活潑演出精彩動人,場內掌聲熱烈,特別是演出結束時,全場起立爆發出長時間的熱烈掌聲,小朋友們一次次的謝幕,人們久久不愿離去,給人一種依依不舍的感覺,氣氛達到最高潮,我都感動得流下了熱淚。

Gazing upon those features with a world of tenderness , ah , monsieur , he said , had you but beheld her as i did with these eyes at that affecting instant with her dainty tucker and her new coquette cap a gift for her feast day as she told me in such an artless disorder , of so melting a tenderness , pon my conscience , even you , monsieur , had been impelled by generous nature to deliver yourself wholly into the hands of such an enemy or to quit the field for ever 彼接后,甚為珍愛。彼含情脈脈審視該面影,并曰: “噫,先生,倘汝若吾然,于激動人心之剎那間,目睹伊人身著雅致披肩,頭戴俏麗新軟帽168伊以悅耳聲調,告以此乃生日禮物也,淳樸灑脫,溫存妖冶足下必慨然向之五體投地,或永遠逃離戰場。

With a jocose tone , this short story presents a miserable and funny predicament of an ordinary family in american midwest through the eye of an artless kid , anti hence discloses the fallacy of american dreams and their contamination of the american young with great profundity 小說以詼諧的筆調,通過一個孩子的不懂事的眼光向人們展示了美國中西部一個普通家庭的既悲慘又滑稽的處境,從而深刻地揭露了“美國夢”的虛妄及其對年輕一代的毒害。

Should you care to write ( and only the saints know why you should ) you must needs have knowledge and art and music - - the knowledge of the music of words , the art of being artless , and the magic of loving your readers 如若你愛寫(唯有圣人才知道你為何愛) ,你必得有知識、藝術和音樂? ?語言的音韻知識,樸實無華的藝術和熱愛讀者的魔力。

“ oh , do not be alarmed ; i have been so for many days . “ artless as she was , the young girl knew that this was an opportunity to leave , and besides , madame de villefort came to her assistance 她雖然不善外交辭令,但也知道這是一個離開的機會而且,維爾福夫人也來幫她忙了。 “休息去吧,瓦朗蒂娜, ”她說, “你真的病了,她們會體諒你的。

“ we can sing devotional songs to god and at the same time enjoy ourselves . god is not so miserable and artless . so we can practice meditation and enjoy our lives at the same time . 你們可以唱歌獻給上帝,同時也娛樂自己,上帝不會那么懊惱又沒有藝術感,所以我們大可一邊修行,一邊享受人生

The chief action of the day was fought in the simplest and the most artless fashion on the open space , visible from both sides , between borodino and the flches by the copse 在波羅底諾和凸角堡之間的戰場上,在樹林附近,在兩邊都看得見的空地上,主要的戰斗是用最簡單,最普通的方式進行的。

The next morning brought another short note from marianne , still affectionate , open , artless , confiding - everything that could make my conduct most hateful 第二天上午,我收到瑪麗安的一封信箋- -仍然是感情畢露,坦率摯誠,毫無造作,充滿信任- -上面寫的一切使我的行為十分可恨。

The article talks about the artless cognizance based on denotation and conception reinforcing management of student communist party members 本文結合工作實踐,就加強校外公寓大學生黨員管理的意義及做法談些粗淺的認識。

Later , that dozy embrace solidified in his memory as the single moment of artless , charmed happiness in their separate and difficult lives 說著搖了搖杰克的身子,推了推他,然后在黑暗中離開。

“ i thought you knowed everything , father , “ said the artless boy “我以為你什么都知道呢,爸爸, ”天真的孩子說。

I thought you knowed everything , father , said the artless boy “我以為你什么都知道呢,爸爸, ”天真的孩子說。

She is an artless , vivacious girl 她是一個天真活潑的女孩。