
artistry n.1.藝術的手腕[技巧,才干]。2.藝術效果,藝術性。...


Our hearts are moved by the great artistry that is captured forever through the use of light and color 偉大的藝術家以光影色彩捕捉永恒的美麗,感動我們的心靈。

Their artistry was high , but he denied the worthwhileness of artistry when divorced from humanness 它們技巧頗高,但他并不承認脫離了人性的技巧會有什么價值。

The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry 在珠寶飾物的制造中,手工與藝術的結合決定了珠寶的價值。

Through your artistry and gifts , you bring relief , compassion , and hope to those who suffer 透過您的藝術和善舉,您為受苦的人們帶來安慰愛與希望!

This concept of icons , not for the ancient art by the great masters of superb artistry tracks 觀此圣像,不能不為古代藝術巨匠的高超技藝所折服。

Discussions on combinational trend of novel creation and movie - television artistry since 1990 ' s 20世紀90年代以來小說創作與影視藝術的合流趨向

This group of brilliant paintings reaches the climax of the painter ' s artistry 這批精彩的畫達到了這位畫家繪畫藝術技巧的頂峰。

On the artistry character of the applied science and technology in china at ancient times 論中國古代應用科學技術的藝術性特征

On relationship between objective truthfulness and aesthetic artistry of documentary film 紀錄片客觀真實性與審美藝術性的關系

The choreography , which combines artistry and athletics , is extremely innovative 兼有藝術和運動的舞蹈藝術是極具創新意義的

One need only watch and listen to experience this great artistry at work 你只需觀看與聆聽,就能體驗到其偉大的藝術。

Look at the artistry 看看這些巧奪天工的雕刻

An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry 手藝,技藝需要身手敏捷或手藝精湛的職業或行業

Mixing artistry and technology together well in environment building 河北軟件職業技術學院校園規劃與設計問題剖析講座

There ' s no artistry in that 那里面沒有藝術性

How to collect artistry stamps 如何收集印花?

Traditional chinese history study from the perspective of historical artistry 史學藝術性視域下的中國傳統史學研究

Stand in awe of the artistry of traditional lion and dragon dancers 傳統的舞與舞獅表演,氣勢不凡,震懾人心。

On the artistry of jin yong ' s fiction 金庸小說藝術論