
artistic adj.1.美術(家)的,藝術(家)的。2.(愛好)藝術...


The online artistic quotient test is hosted on esd 于4月4日至4月17日期間在魅力

The modern drama class of artistic school of hunan province 湖南省藝術學校話劇班

The artistic value and transformation of ancient inscriptions 的書學意義和價值

Artistic creation on potted ornamental bamboo landscape 觀賞竹盆景藝術創作研究

On artistic quality education in engineering institutes 工科院校藝術素質教育片論

Test your artistic quotient on esdlife s beauty channel 于魅力生活易測試審美眼光

Artistic orientation of life reduction in wang meng ' s novels 王蒙小說的生成前提

Similarities and differences between artistic conception and image 意境意象同異

Heidegger and his new definition of artistic truth 海德格爾與藝術真理的重新劃界

Reflections on the current artistic creation situation 對當前文藝創作現狀的反思

Norman mailer ' s artistic techniques and writing styles 梅勒的寫作技巧與藝術風格

The artistic features of buddhist fresco in ali area 阿里古格佛教壁畫的藝術特色

On the artistic performance of the singer wei qixian 歌唱家魏啟賢的表演藝術雜談

On the art of expression in the artistic tv features 電視人物專題片表現手法探討

The artistic value of the various paper - cut in ezhou 鄂州民間花樣剪紙的藝術價值

Study on sketches in artistic design tiscaipline 在藝術設計學科中的素描問題新探

On kant ' s classic tendency in his artistic viewpoint 論康德藝術觀的古典主義傾向

On the innouation of the artistic method of love poems 試論阿赫瑪托娃的早期詩歌

Tracking lee sun - fung s artistic development 李晨風藝術生命的線跡歷史脈絡的追尋