
artiste n.〔法語〕職業藝術家,藝人;〔戲謔語〕大師。

“ our programmes can travel wider , command better prices and our artistes gain wider exposure . “我們的節目可以推銷得更廣,博得較好的價格,而我們的演員可得到較多的曝光。 ”


An location shooting at mainland china , yeung chun , also presents the serious attitude of the court dresses are newly designed and specially made for all artistes 一部劇力萬鈞的重頭鉅制。劇情鋒回路轉,觀眾絕對不容錯過。

In order to make everyone happy , she won ' t mind ruining her image as an artiste to make wacky and cute faces just to put a smile on others ' face 為了讓大家開心,她會不顧自己的形像去做一些很丑又可愛的表情或動作來逗大家。

What is so special about this artiste grooming course ? how different is this compared to the other normal courses offered by the school 問: “星聲代2006新人選拔賽”所特別設計的藝人培訓課程與其它本校的課程有什么不同?

As compared to his last album release , with no major artistes releasing their albums , the pressure on jay this time around is definitely on 相比去年發片時四下并無高手的情況,今年周杰倫的壓力無疑會大了許多。

Local artiste , ms miriam yeung , was appointed as organ donation ambassador to mark her support on organ donation 本地藝人楊千?小姐更于活動開展儀式上被委任為器官捐贈推廣大使,以行動支持是次器官捐贈推廣計劃。

The enchanted performances of the artistes as historical heroes give the characters much of dramatic senses that must impress the viewers 一部萬眾矚目的歷史武俠劇鉅獻,定必創出驕人成績,觀眾拭目以待。

Anniversary , le french may features a star - studded programme of opera , music and dance performed by top french artistes 今年,繼續有頂尖的法國藝術家駕臨香港,呈獻歌劇音樂舞蹈等精采絕倫的表演藝術。

Those who failed to get in need not have felt disappointed , as many of the artistes who should have appeared did not come 那些沒能進到場內的人沒有必要感到失望,因為很多應該出場的專業演員都沒有來。

The hong kong museum of art is looking for artistes to conduct demonistrations and workshops on various themes and media 香港藝術館誠徵負責公開示范及擔任工作坊導師的藝術家,媒介及主題不拘。

The programme consisted of a variety show with celebrities and artistes , games , souvenirs and an exhibition 當天節目包括名人及藝人綜合表演、游戲、贈送紀念品和展覽,深受業界和市民歡迎。

Specialises in music production and artist and band management . provides artist and band information , and booking of studios and artiste -經營經理人業務唱片出版演唱會制作電影制作等。

The young artistes also shared with anti - drug ambassadors of the centre their perception of healthy lifestyle 藝員又與該中心的禁毒大使分享生活經驗,怎樣選擇生活方式的心得,互相勉勵。

The programme consisted of a variety show with celebrities and artistes , games , souvenirs and an exhibition 當天節目包括名人及藝人綜合表演游戲贈送紀念品和展覽,深受業界和市民歡迎。

The hong kong performing artistes guild has condemned the increasing circulation and uploading of obscene photographs on the internet 香港演藝人協會譴責在互聯網傳閱及上載淫穢照片。

Des artistes is a pleasant restaurant with seating on the terrace overlooking the abundant greenery 一并設立的cafedesartistes參觀,為綠色所包圍,還有露臺座位,讓人心情愉悅。

“ our programmes can travel wider , command better prices and our artistes gain wider exposure . “我們的節目可以推銷得更廣,博得較好的價格,而我們的演員可得到較多的曝光。 ”

Don ' t know who is the celebrity / artiste that was mentioned in the news / related to fahrenheit ? check them out here 不知道和飛輪海一同上新聞的藝人是誰嗎?在這查查看吧!

The training course will be conducted by senior instructors of the school who have trained artistes like sun yanzi 答:課程將會由李偉菘音樂課室的資深老師來擔任教學。