
artist n.1.美術家,藝術家。2.能手。短語和例子a comm...


After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the bohemian life of an artist . 他受過正統的教育,卻立意過著藝術家我行我素的生活。

In 1911, a penniless young music-hall artist left england for america . 1911年,一個身無分文,年輕的雜耍劇場藝人離開英國前往美國。

The great artists of finance like morgan and rockefeller weren't deflected . 象摩根和洛克菲勒這樣偉大的理財家是不會被引入歧途的。

The history of painting was full of artists who had earned nothing at all . 繪畫史上到頭來不名分文窮愁潦倒的藝術家俯拾皆是。

She was beautiful with that unmistakable beauty that only artists delight in . 她的美是一望而知的,只有藝術家才會傾倒的。

Those short, active artists of the silver screen like their women skinny . 那些矮子和銀幕上活躍的藝術家喜歡苗條的女人。

The artist has reproduced your features very well in this portrait . 這位藝術家在這幅畫像中把你的容貌重現得維妙維肖。

If an artist slackens the pace, he will be beaten by his rivals . 假如一位藝術家放慢步伐,和他競爭的人就要把他打倒。

She said the word artist with a gentle, understanding, reverent smile . 她說作家一詞時面帶高雅,理解和虔誠的微笑。

It's a rendezvous for writers, artists and all kinds of celebrities . 那是作家,藝術家和各種名流聚會的地方。

You will hear people say that poverty is the best spur to the artist . 有人說,貧窮是優秀藝術家最好的補品。

The artist must elect to fight for freedom or slavery . 一個藝術家必須就為自由還是為奴役而奮斗作出決定。

Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature . 許多詩人和藝術家從大自然中獲得靈感。

As the centuries progressed more skillful artists appeared . 經過了幾個世紀,比較高明的藝術家出現了。

They understood he was not merely trying to sum up the artist . 他們明白他不只是在說明藝術家的特性。

The artist does it so skillfully and carefully . 手工藝者要有高超的技巧,在制做過程中要十分仔細。

He was a quasi artist . 他有點兒像畫家。

The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly . 該藝術家把她那溫柔的笑容表現得惟妙惟肖。

He is an artist with cards . 他是打牌能手。