
artisan n.工匠,手工業工人。

And then mu wang , the king , asked the artisan to come to him and asked him , “ what kind of talent do you have ? 然后穆王傳喚這位工匠進來,問他:你有什么技能呢?

And the king was very surprised and asked the artisan , “ who is following you behind there ? 國王很驚訝,問那個工匠說:走在你后面的那個人是誰?

In ancient times artisans drew pictures of “ door gods “ to drive away evil spirits 民俗風情年畫的始袍產生于上古時代。

In ancient times artisans drew pictures of “ door gods “ to drive away evil spirits 民俗風情年畫的始袍產生于上古時代。

- i prefer the term “ computer artisan . “ - whatever -我寧愿你叫我“電腦技工“ -怎樣都好啦

I prefer the term “ computer artisan . “ - whatever 我寧愿你叫我“電腦技工“ -怎樣都好啦


Handicrafts artisans and amateur artists will visit there on saturday and sunday afternoon for their performance 在星期六和星期日下午,手工藝者和業馀演員都會來到這里即席表演。

The captain of fifty and the honorable man , the counselor and the expert artisan , and the skillful enchanter 賽3 : 3五十夫長、和尊貴人謀士、和有巧藝的、以及妙行法術的。

And then mu wang , the king , asked the artisan to come to him and asked him , “ what kind of talent do you have ? 然后穆王傳喚這位工匠進來,問他:你有什么技能呢?

As goddess of the arts and crafts , pallas served as the patroness of artists , artisans , sculptors 作為工藝品的女神,雅典娜作為藝術家,工匠,雕刻師的守護神。

Examples of artisans : marillion , the singer ; tobho mott , master blacksmith of king ' s landing 藝人的例子:馬利里安,歌手;托布?穆特,君臨的鐵匠大師。

By 1300 artisans were building clocks for churches and cathedrals in france and italy 到了1300年,許多工匠在法國與義大利為大大小小的教堂制造時鐘。

The tokyo shamisen ( with the exception of the sounding board ) is made entirely by one artisan 電話號碼: 03 ( 3668 ) 5100東京邦樂器商工業協同組合網頁

And the king was very surprised and asked the artisan , “ who is following you behind there ? 國王很驚訝,問那個工匠說:走在你后面的那個人是誰?

He appeared to be an artisan of some sort , and carried a tin pot of red paint in his hand 他似乎是某種工匠之類的人,手里提著一鐵罐紅色的油漆。

It was surrounded by clearly delineated areas for agricultural , artisan and industrial production 古城的四周是清晰可見的農業,手工業和工業區。

Whatever their position , artisans are often the bridge between noble and common blood 無論他們的位置如何,藝人通常是貴族對平民亂搞留下的種。

Female characters may readily take the following core classes : artisan , godsworn , or noble 女性人物可選的核心職業如下:藝人,修士,或貴族。

Whatever their position , artisans are often the bridge between noble and common blood 無論他們身居何職,藝人總是介于貴族和平民之間的橋梁。