
artilleryman 炮兵,炮手。


In their childlike glee at the conflagration of the village , and the excitement of their successful firing on the french , our artillerymen only noticed this battery when two cannon - balls and after them four more fell among their cannons , and one knocked over two horses and another tore off the foot of a gunner . their spirits , however , once raised , did not flag ; their excitement simply found another direction . the horses were replaced by others from the ammunition carriage ; the wounded were removed , and the four cannons were turned facing the ten of the enemys battery 因為村莊著火,我軍的炮手都像兒童似地覺得快活,因為炮打法國人打得成功,他們都很激動因此,當兩顆炮彈緊接著還有四顆炮彈在幾門大炮中間落地,其中一顆掀倒兩匹馬,另一顆炸掉彈藥車車夫的一條腿的時候,我軍的炮手才發現敵軍的這座炮臺,然而興奮的心情既已穩定,就不會冷淡,只是改變了意境而已。

With the disturbance of random wave the ship will inevitably roll and result in the ship ' s incline , especially , for small ships which the most obliquity of the ship is likely to reach above degree 15 . in the actual combat the rolling movement of the ship will result in difficult control of the artillery for the artillerymen on the ship , reduce the artillery ' s probability of shots , and affect the power of the artillery by direct control of the object ( artillery ) fixed on the ship it can be kept horizontal state all the time 尤其是對大量的小型艦船,船體的最大傾角甚至可達到15以上。在實戰中,船舶的搖蕩將造成炮手對船載火炮的操縱性能降低,降低火炮的發射命中率,影響到船載火炮威力的發揮。通過直接控制固連于船體的火炮,使其始終保持在水平狀態,可以提高實戰中火炮的操縱性能,提高火炮的命中率。

Through this predictive control system controlling and adjusting the artillery ( or other object that requires keeping horizontal state ) can make it keep about horizontal state all the time and make artillerymen easily control the artillery and consumedly increase the probability of shots in the actual combat 通過預測控制系統對船上火炮(或其他需要保持水平的物體)的控制調節,可以保證此物體始終處于水平狀態附近,使炮手對火炮的操縱精度提高,大大提高火炮的實戰命中率。

This was the last attack of the french . it was met by the soldiers in ambush in the houses of the village . all rushed out of the village again , but tushins cannons could not move and the artillerymen , tushin , and the ensign looked at one another in anticipation of their fate 這是法軍最后一次進攻,埋伏于村舍中的士兵迎擊敵人的進攻,群眾又從村子里沖出來,他是圖申的大炮不能移動了,炮手們圖申和士官生沉默地面面相覷,等待厄運的降臨。

An artilleryman on sentinel duty in front of the cannons was just confronting the officer , but at a sign being made to him , he renewed his regular , monotonous pacing . behind the cannons stood their platforms , and still further behind , the picket - ropes and camp - fires of the artillerymen 炮隊的一名哨兵在大炮前面踱來踱去,本來他在軍官面前總要挺直胸膛立正,但是安德烈公爵向他做了個手勢,他于是繼續沒精打采地步速均勻地踱來踱去。

Just as he reached it , a shot boomed from the cannon , deafening him and his suite , and in the smoke that suddenly enveloped the cannon the artillerymen could be seen hauling at the cannon , dragging and rolling it back to its former position 當他快要走到時,這門大炮中傳出隆隆的炮聲,把他和侍從們震得發聾,在那驟然繚繞大炮的硝煙中,可以看見,幾名托著大炮的炮兵,他們急忙地使盡全力,將大炮推回原位。

Why , youre always in fear ! fie on you learned fellows , said a third , a manly voice , interrupting both . to be sure , you artillerymen are clever fellows , because you can carry everything with you to eat and to drink 嗨,你們都是很有閱歷的人, ”又傳來一陣勇敢者的話語聲,把前二者的話打斷了, “真的,你們這些炮兵之所以很有閱歷,是因為你們把樣樣東西隨身帶來了:伏特加酒呀,小菜呀,要什么有什么。 ”

The welterweight sergeantmajor had tapped some lively claret in the previous mixup during which keogh had been receivergeneral of rights and lefts , the artilleryman putting in some neat work on the pet s nose , and myler came on looking groggy 在上一次的廝斗中,次中量級軍士長293狠狠地左右開弓,基奧只能當個接收大員。這位炮手294朝著寵兒的鼻子利利索索地飽以老拳,使他鼻孔出血。

Then a thin , pale soldier approached , his neck bandaged with a bloodstained rag . with a voice of exasperation he asked the artillerymen for water . why , is one to die like a dog ? he said 之后有一名士兵頸上裹著血跡斑斑的包腳布,很瘦,面色蒼白,向前面走來,他帶著憤怒的嗓音向炮手們要點水喝。

He asked in words : whose company ? but what he was really asking was , youre not in a panic here ? and the artilleryman understood that 他問道: “誰的連隊? ”其實他要問的是: “你們在這兒是不是膽怯呢? ”炮兵士官懂得他的意思。

Actor song seung - heon ( 28 ) and artist jang hyuk ( 28 ) , who joined the army on nov . 16 , have been appointed as artilleryman and rifleman , respectively 11月16日參軍的演員宋承憲( 28歲)和張赫( 28歲)分別被指派為炮兵和步兵。

Captain tushins , your excellency , the red - haired , freckled artilleryman sang out in a cheerful voice , as he ducked forward 棕紅色頭發滿臉雀斑的炮兵士官挺直胸膛,帶著愉快的嗓音喊道。

The artillerymen quenched the burning linstocks 炮兵們吹掉火繩上的煙灰。