
artillery n.1.大炮。2.〔the artillery 〕炮兵,...

artillery duel

Calculation of the self - propelled artillery vibration characteristics 自行火炮振動特性的計算

Crime scene 12 : human artillery games 罪案現場十二:人間大炮小游戲

The artillery boomed a 19 - gun salute 炮兵轟隆隆地發出十九響禮炮。

The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery 敵步兵讓咱們的炮火打得稀巴爛。

Come on , get back out there . give us some more artillery 快回去前方,我們需要更強的火力

Our unit assisted in neutralizing the enemy artillery 我們部隊參加了壓制敵軍炮火的行動。

You wanted artillery brought back to the player . done 你想要玩家操縱的火炮支援? -已完成

It was the most massive artillery barrage and air strike 這是最為猛烈的炮火攔截和空襲。

A fortified enclosure for artillery on a warship 武器存放場戰時用來放置武器的堅固的圍墻

Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire 我們的步兵在炮兵火力掩護之下

It was the most ma ive artillery barrage and air strike 這是最為猛烈的炮火攔截和空襲。

Maniac like the eight - eight artillery guns introduction 狂槍野炮游戲攻略

The artillery has more firepower than the infantry 炮兵的火力較步兵大。

The building was destroyed by an artillery shell 這座建筑物被炮彈炸毀了

It ' s time for our artillery to hit back 現在是我方炮兵回擊敵人的時候了。

Design for sp artillery crews - seat and ergonomics 自行火炮乘員座椅設計與人機工程研究

The town is under artillery and aircraft attacks 該鎮受到大炮和空中攻擊。

Our artillery smashed the enemy defenses 我們的炮兵摧毀了敵人的防御工事。

Crime scene 12 : human artillery introduction 罪案現場十二:人間大炮游戲攻略