
artificial adj.1.人工的,人造的;人為的 (opp. natu...

The general laid his living hand over the artificial one on his desk. he was wearing what pug thought of as “official“ face . 將軍把那只好手擱到書桌上那只假手上面,臉上浮現出一種在帕格看來是在“擺官架子的”神色。

“poor chaps aren't so well off either these days,“ said mr. bond, putting up one of his artificial smiles . “這些日子可憐的房東也不怎么富裕呀,”邦德先生說,臉上裝出虛偽的微笑。

artificial aids

The general laid his living hand over the artificial one on his desk. he was wearing what pug thought of as “official“ face . 將軍把那只好手擱到書桌上那只假手上面,臉上浮現出一種在帕格看來是在“擺官架子的”神色。

Cholecalciferol is produced by irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol with ultraviolet light either from the sun or from an artificial source . 膽鈣化醇是7脫氫膽固醇經日光或人工來源的紫外線照射而產生的。

But the well-bred, artificial smile, when he bent upon the guests, had its wonted steely suavity . 但是他哈著腰向賓客招呼的那種彬彬有禮、故意裝成的笑容里,卻仍然具有它平時那種沉著的殷勤。

I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh, followed by daisy's voice on a clear and artificial voice . 我聽到傳來一陣哽咽似的低語聲和一點笑聲,接著是黛西嘹亮而做作的聲音。

“poor chaps aren't so well off either these days,“ said mr. bond, putting up one of his artificial smiles . “這些日子可憐的房東也不怎么富裕呀,”邦德先生說,臉上裝出虛偽的微笑。

The function of an air conditioning system is to provide and maintain an artificial environment within a building enclosure . 空氣調節系統的作用是建立和維持建筑物內的人工氣候。

Efficient and economical artificial recharge projects can often result from utilizing the bed of the main stream channel . 有效而且經濟的人工補給措施一般可以利用主河道的河床。

Hormone-dependent tumour may sometimes be controlled by the artificial administration or deprivation of hormones . 依賴激素的腫瘤有時可用人為的服用或去除激素的方法得到控制。

Hormone-dependent tumour may sometimes be controlled by the artificial administration or deprivation of hormones 依賴激素的腫瘤有時可用人為的服用或去除的方法得到控制。

The precise tracking of artificial satellites has enabled this surface to be more accurately contoured . 人造衛星的精確探測有可能比較準確地畫出這一表面的輪廓。

It is a useful assumption to describe the goals of entrepreneurs in the artificial world of pure competition . 非現實市場中企業經營者的目標,是非常有用的假設。

The artificial earth satellites occupy a peculiar intermediate position between science and technology . 人造地球衛星在科學和技術之間占有一個獨特的中介地位。

An artificial environment can be created within the confines of a test-tube, a flask, or a culture dish . 試管、瓶子、培養皿都能夠提供它們所需要的人工環境。

The rocket climbs upward and onward, with an artificial satellite cradled in its nose cone . 隨帶裝在其前端錐形體內的一顆人造衛星,火箭一直向上,向前爬升。

It heaves and frets beneath the artificial political map like some misfitted giant . 它在人為的政治地圖下面掙扎焦躁得象一個穿著不合身材的衣服的巨人一樣。

Looking back, one can now see that the early terms of the debate were artificial . 現在回過頭去看,我們可以看到,辯論的初期所使用的語言是留有余地的。

An artificial cut was made from the river to bring the water at proper height to the waterwheel . 人們在河中引出一條人工水道把水在適當高度引向水車。