
artificer n.1.技工;工匠。2.【軍事】技術兵。3.設計者,發明...

Copmany is mostly design , produce auto , autobike , all kinds of engine and family plastic mould . we own employee 166 , the design production of engineer 36 , mould artificer more than100 , they have rich practice and inaugurate spirit . we based on the strategy of “ quality frist , honor top “ , the reasonable price , the best service , we sincerely welcome friends both domestic and abroad will contact us in business 公司主要設計制造汽車摩托車,各類機車各類家電以及保健醫療器材模具。公司一貫本著: “質量第一,信譽至上”的經營理念,以合理的價格,卓越的品質,竭誠地為國內外的新老客戶服務。


Copmany is mostly design , produce auto , autobike , all kinds of engine and family plastic mould . we own employee 166 , the design production of engineer 36 , mould artificer more than100 , they have rich practice and inaugurate spirit . we based on the strategy of “ quality frist , honor top “ , the reasonable price , the best service , we sincerely welcome friends both domestic and abroad will contact us in business 公司主要設計制造汽車摩托車,各類機車各類家電以及保健醫療器材模具。公司一貫本著: “質量第一,信譽至上”的經營理念,以合理的價格,卓越的品質,竭誠地為國內外的新老客戶服務。

Our company enjoy a large qualities of abundant technological personnel including high and middle cermaic and electrician engineer and artificer and identifier , that were engaged on the work about electronical ceramics for many years and were seasoned . the producing equipment and check - measure apparatus were perfected from day to day , so that affored stability base for stabilization of the quality of production 我公司擁有包括高、中級陶瓷、電氣工程師等工程技術人員在內的雄厚的技術力量,并擁有一大批專業從事電子陶瓷多年、經驗豐富的技工和檢驗人員,生產設備和檢測儀器的日臻完善,為產品質量的穩定可靠提供了堅實的基礎。

The theory of human capital in marxism is discussed in this paper from four aspects : the implication of artificer reveals the human capital ' s connotation ; the explanation to the value of labor force implies investment in human capital ; the difference between the surplus value and profit is whether the human capital brings the value added or the material capital ; the analysis to the source of the surplus value in automation announces the human capital ' s extension 摘要本文從馬克思主義理論的四個方面闡述了其中所包含的人力資本理論:勞動者的界定揭示了人力資本的內涵;勞動力價值的內容包括了人力資本投資的行為;剩余價值和利潤的區別也就是把價值增殖看作是人力資本的產物還是物質資本的產物;生產自動化條件下剩余價值源泉這一問題的分析揭示了人力資本的外延。

This is most evident in the numbers of terminators in their armies , as well as a greater proportion of artificer armour and master - crafted weaponry and is supplemented by regular trade with the adeptus mechanicus , made possible by nocturne ' s abundant mineral resources 這在他們那些高度精密武裝和高移動速度的終結者戰士那里得到了明顯的體現,他們還在可能的情況下用家鄉富饒的礦產資源供給自己各種各樣的先進火力裝備。

From material selection , style design , carving , polishing , painting , decoration to test and assembling , our skilled artificers take traditional techniques and hand - making to make sure creation of the best furnishings 從材料選擇、款式設計、配飾搭配到雕刻拼板、打磨、油漆彩繪、試裝組裝,我們的技師將完全秉承傳統手工制作,確保完美產品的誕生

Even to the artificers and builders gave they it , to buy hewn stone , and timber for couplings , and to floor the houses which the kings of judah had destroyed 代下34 : 11就是交給木匠、石匠、買鑿成的石頭、和架木、與棟梁、修猶大王所毀壞的殿。

Gen 4 : 22 and zillah , she also bare tubalcain , an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron : and the sister of tubalcain was naamah 創4 : 22洗拉又生了土八該隱。他是打造各樣銅鐵利器的(或作是銅匠鐵匠的祖師) 。土八該隱的妹子是拿瑪。

Even to the artificers and builders gave they it , to buy hewn stone , and timber for couplings , and to floor the houses which the kings of judah had destroyed 11就是交給木匠,石匠,買鑿成的石頭和架木與楝梁,修猶大王所毀壞的殿。

Which was the character of adrian the emperor ; that mortally envied poets , and painters , and artificers , in works wherein he had a vein to excel 羅馬皇帝哈德良就是這種嫉妒者,他善詩畫和工藝,因此他非常嫉妒真正的詩人、畫家和技師。

And zillah , she also bare tubalcain , an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron : and the sister of tubalcain was naamah 22洗拉又生了土八該隱。他是打造各樣銅鐵利器的(或作是銅匠鐵匠的祖師) 。土八該隱的妹子是拿瑪。

The captain of fifty , and the honourable man , and the counseller , and the cunning artificer , and the eloquent orator 賽3 : 3五十夫長、和尊貴人謀士、和有巧藝的、以及妙行法術的。

The captain of fifty , and the honourable man , and the counsellor , and the cunning artificer , and the eloquent orator 五十夫長和尊貴的人、謀士和有技藝的工人,以及精通法術的。

The captain of fifty , and the honourable man , and the counsellor , and the cunning artificer , and the eloquent orator 3五十夫長,和尊貴人。謀士,和有巧藝的,以及妙行法術的。

Fabulous artificer , the hawklike man 神話中的工匠。

He is an artificer of great cunning 他是個很機巧的工匠。

You have shown me the work of the real artificer - artisan 你已經讓我看見了真正的藝術大師的作品。

Man is the artificer of his own happiness 人是自己幸福的設計者。

Man is the artificer of his own happiness (人是自己幸福的創立者。 )