
artifice n.1.技巧,技能。2.詭計,巧計;策略,謀略,手段。短...

According to analyses the development about our country and abroad countries , this paper finds out the gap between our country third - party enterprises and developed countries , achieving experience and inspire that we should learn . after these jobs , this paper analyses the core of our third - party logistics enterprises “ development and success . finally , this paper analyses the operation strategy , and gives development artifices for our third - party logistics enterprises 通過對國內外第三方物流企業發展現狀的分析,揭示了我國第三方物流企業與發達國家的差距和需要學習的經驗,探討了我國第三方物流企業發展的根本和成功的關鍵,并對第三方物流企業的經營戰略進行了分析,提出了相應的發展策略。

It ' s economic theory study and economic activities “ aim to increase human ' s welfare in the utmost probability through making full use and effectively allocating scarcity resource . economic growth and income distribution is the basic way and artifice to reach this goal 通過稀缺性資源的充分利用和有效配置,最大可能地增進人類的福利,是經濟理論研究和經濟活動的目的,經濟增長和收入分配是達到這一目的的基本途徑和手段。

The price strategy of multinational companies in china is mainly based on : ascertain target customer ; price should show the teconology and other advantages ; keep high quality image ; use “ from expensive to cheap “ artifice ; rational and prepared price compitition with other companies 中國加入wto后,跨國企業在中國的機會將更多,競爭也會越來越激烈,競爭來自于跨國企業之間,也來自于日益壯大的中國企業。


Our company has the best quality of the maching equipment , bring to bear cad cae cam pdm , design with numeric artifice , combine rich erperience in producing mould many years , so our technic and the mould quality is gained pledge . we own professional contingent , senior engineer of the production , can offer you the best way to empolder , the fhortcut service , resolve project 公司加工設備精良,運用先進的cad cae cam技術,全數字化的開發設計手段,并結合十多年的模具設計制造經驗,產品開發經驗,融合浙江大學先進的造型設計理念,從而使我公司的技術水平和模具的質量都得到了充分的保證。

According to analyses the development about our country and abroad countries , this paper finds out the gap between our country third - party enterprises and developed countries , achieving experience and inspire that we should learn . after these jobs , this paper analyses the core of our third - party logistics enterprises “ development and success . finally , this paper analyses the operation strategy , and gives development artifices for our third - party logistics enterprises 通過對國內外第三方物流企業發展現狀的分析,揭示了我國第三方物流企業與發達國家的差距和需要學習的經驗,探討了我國第三方物流企業發展的根本和成功的關鍵,并對第三方物流企業的經營戰略進行了分析,提出了相應的發展策略。

90 workrooms are that shengbaitu ( beijing ) decorates lower project ltd . flag villa interior design organization , a lot of excellent in the homeland designers join in , unyielding with special field artifice , innovative spirit , pole sense of responsibility provides first class of service to the proprietor who requires that the high - end villa decorates 公司簡介: 90工作室是圣?圖(北京)裝飾工程有限公司旗下的別墅室內設計機構,眾多國內優秀設計師加盟,以專業的技巧、創新的精神、極強的責任心為需要高端別墅裝修的業主提供優質服務

The paper presented a large annular cantilever beam string stadium roof structure using the theory of beam string structure . the stadium roof structure is a novel structure that is reasonable in bearing force by using the character of the tendon and beam fully . the struts in the structure avoided enduring big moment , moreover the pre - stress upper chord tendon and the annular beam work together to resist upward and downward load , as embody the structure ' s artifice and wonderful space mechanical property 本文利用張弦梁原理,給出了一種大型環狀懸臂型張弦梁挑蓬結構,該種體育場挑蓬結構新穎,充分利用了拉索和立體桁架受力的特點,使得結構受力更加合理,避免了柱子承受較大的彎矩,上弦索的預張力和圈梁使結構共同作用抵抗上下荷載,更體現了結構的巧妙和良好的空間受力性能。

It ' s economic theory study and economic activities “ aim to increase human ' s welfare in the utmost probability through making full use and effectively allocating scarcity resource . economic growth and income distribution is the basic way and artifice to reach this goal 通過稀缺性資源的充分利用和有效配置,最大可能地增進人類的福利,是經濟理論研究和經濟活動的目的,經濟增長和收入分配是達到這一目的的基本途徑和手段。

So when we study and implement equipment manage , systemic consider must be carried through . and advanced managing idea and artifice must be digested - fetched in - absorbed . technique manage and economic manage must be tied in 因此,在研究和實施設備管理時,必須對其進行系統思考,并不斷消化?引進?吸收先進設備管理思想和管理手段,將設備技術管理與設備經濟管理緊密結合起來,而在市場經濟條件下,這種結合更顯得至關重要。

I abhor artifice , particularly in children ; it is my duty to show you that tricks will not answer : you will now stay here an hour longer , and it is only on condition of perfect submission and stillness that i shall liberate you then 你盡可放心,靠這些辦法,是出不去的,我討厭耍花招,尤其是小孩子,我有責任讓你知道,鬼把戲不管用。現在你要在這里多呆一個小時,而且只有服服貼貼,一動不動,才放你出來。 ”

The price strategy of multinational companies in china is mainly based on : ascertain target customer ; price should show the teconology and other advantages ; keep high quality image ; use “ from expensive to cheap “ artifice ; rational and prepared price compitition with other companies 中國加入wto后,跨國企業在中國的機會將更多,競爭也會越來越激烈,競爭來自于跨國企業之間,也來自于日益壯大的中國企業。

This paper presents the main research object of the spatial economy , as well as its ' foundations , the catalog and artifice of those theoretical models , and main insights of the spatial economy , evaluates the theoretical improvement of the spatial economy in brief 本文點評了空間經濟學的主要研究對象、理論基礎、模型的分類與建模技巧、核心觀點,并對此進行了簡要的評價。

Ultimately , media literacy education must aim to produce students who have an understanding of the media that includes a knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses , biases and priorities , role and impact , and artistry and artifice 最終,媒介素養教育要使學生們懂得媒體有自己的優點和弱點,包含自己的偏見和偏愛,有自己的角色和并會產生影響,以及其中包含的各種技巧。

The precepts and artifices for controlling air compressors determine the stabilization and rationality of the running air compressors , accordingly the qualities of the compressed air and the cost of the course and maintenance 而對空壓機進行控制的方案和手段決定著空壓機運行的穩定性與合理性,對壓縮空氣的供能品質、空壓機的運行與維護成本有著決定性的作用。

By realizing the control artifices , we adopt interbus fieldbus of high stability to transfer the signal and control the local devices , abstaining the problem of high disturbed info and low system ' s stability 在控制手段的實現上,運用具有高可靠性的interbus現場總線進行信號傳輸和現場控制,從本質上避免了原來信號干擾大、系統穩定性差、控制經常失靈的問題。

Because of its uniqueness , reliability , and against artifice merits , iris recognition technology has been making fast development . furthermore , it will be proved to widely apply 由于虹膜具有唯一性、穩定性、非侵犯性等優點,近年來,虹膜識別技術研究和應用方面都得到了長足的發展,并表現出廣闊的應用前景和較大的市場需求。

The complex imagoes of the moon comes down in one continuous line of 《 the book of songs 》 , and it greatly broadens the culture connotation and stature of poetry , enrich the artifice of poetry as well 中國古代詩詞中月亮意象的多元化,與《詩經》六義一脈相承,極大地拓寬了詩詞的文化內涵和思想境界,也豐富了詩詞的表現技巧。

The result is a pixilated bubble , a circular space for both transit and fantasy . fragile , different , surprising , it is nebulous material , a place halfway between nature and artifice 其結果是幻動的泡泡,一個圓形的兼具通行與幻想的空間產生了。脆弱的,新奇的,令人驚訝的,運用含糊不清的材料,交織著自然與技巧的場所。

To know the stability of the bridge foundation in the course of construction and running , this paper sums up the numerical methods and monitoring artifices with which to analyze the stability of foundation 為了掌握大型橋梁地基基礎在施工期與運營期的穩定性,本文研究了穩定性分析的主要數值方法和監測手段。