
artifact n.1.人工制品〔尤指原始工具〕。2.【生物學】(組織結...

= “ zip : so what kind of ancient artifact you got there ? 那你在那里得到了什么樣的古玩呢?


The artifacts in the sample project include 示例項目中的構件包括:

Removal of artifacts from eeg based on multivariate analysis 基于多維統計分析方法的腦電消噪

You can also drag certain artifacts from various views 您也可以從各種視圖中拖動某些構件。

Some artifacts unearthed from empress ai ' s tomb of tang dynasty 唐恭陵哀皇后墓部分出土文物

I have heard the towers trade in artifacts 我聽說在塔樓能交易寶物。

Now you are ready to create the jms artifacts 現在準備創建jms構件。

If elena has gathered rambaldi artifacts , 如果依萊娜收集了蘭巴迪碎片

= “ zip : so what kind of ancient artifact you got there ? 那你在那里得到了什么樣的古玩呢?

To see what the artifacts generated from the wsdl in 中您可以看到,由

Place artifacts not in the project structure 不要將構件置于項目結構中

Analysis of aliasing artifacts in 16 - slice helical ct 中混疊假影的分析

Task 3 . build and deploy generated artifacts to cics 任務3 .將生成的構件構建和部署到cics

Reasons for artifacts in ct and its solution 圖像常見偽影成因及解決方法

I want to make sure that you haven ' t found any artifacts 我想了解你有沒有發現什么文物

The following artifacts make up a web service 下面的工件組成了web服務:

Not for sale . that ' s a genuine artifact 這個不賣,它是真正的原始手工制品

You thought arvin sloane would have all the artifacts 你認為阿文?斯隆會得到所有的碎片

The important artifacts for this discussion are the 這里,很重要的構件是