
articulation n.1.發音;發音的方法。2.發出的音,子音。3.接合,...

In the light of foucult ' s articulation of “ power - knowledge “ , every writing can be thought as a process of fictionalizing 在福柯的“知識-權力”觀的關照下,任何書寫都是一種擬制的過程。

For further information on articulation arrangements , please refer to the “ further study “ section of the specific academic discipline in 內各學科的進修一欄,或向學院的學系查詢。

The muttered articulations of the wind in the hollows were as complaints and petition from the “souls of mighty worth“ suspended therein . 下面空谷里嗚咽的風聲,就是懸在林苞里面那些“品格高貴的靈魂”抱怨呼求的聲音。


Afterwards , the method of articulation will be a workable instrument for constructing the framework of state theory 經過這道手續,接合的方法在建構國家理論架構上將會變成為可行的工具。

In the light of foucult ' s articulation of “ power - knowledge “ , every writing can be thought as a process of fictionalizing 在福柯的“知識-權力”觀的關照下,任何書寫都是一種擬制的過程。

For further information on articulation arrangements , please refer to the “ further study “ section of the specific academic discipline in 內各學科的進修一欄,或向學院的學系查詢。

The sternoclavicular articulation is the only point at which the upper extremity is connected to the rest of the skeletal system 胸鎖關節是上肢與骨骼系統的其它部分相連接的唯一部位。

This paper proposes an intelligent cerebella model articulation controller ( cmac ) with the sliding mode control 摘要小腦模型是模仿人類小腦的一種學習架構,在實際應用上為查表法。

A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg , in a continuous rather than staccato action 其明顯的特點是后肢的蹄音在連續動作時比不連貫動作時更清楚。

Luckily , the ones i started taking , like articulation and creative writing , kept me busy and absorbed 很幸運,我開始學的課程像發音課和創作性寫作課深深地吸引了我,讓我變得忙碌起來。

Standard test method for objective measurement of speech privacy in open offices using articulation index 使用聲音清晰度指數在敞開式辦公室內對談話保密性進行客觀量度的標準試驗方法

Railway material in general . tolerances and fits used particularly for fixed parts of articulations . interference fits 鐵路通用器材.絞接固定零部件專用的公差與配合.過盈配合

Railway material in general . tolerances and fittings used , particularly , for articulations . fittings with clearances 通用鐵路設備.鉸接用特殊公差與配合.間隙配合

The pain will almost disappear completely and the articulations will flex and extend neatly thirty days later 小時消失, 30天后疼痛基本緩解,關節屈伸靈活。

Both the architectural acoustics and electroacoustics are used in the language articulation design 摘要游泳館的語言清晰度設計是建筑聲學和電聲學的綜合設計。

The articulation of the theory of relativity catapulted albert einstein to the pinnacle of fame 相對論的問世將艾爾伯特?愛因斯坦推到了名譽的頂峰。

Rolling stock . articulations with clevis and tenon and with gudgeon . inner steel rings type as , ag 鐵路車輛.帶u形環和榫的耳軸聯接. ,型鋼制內環

Analysis of intelligence level and its structure in children with functional articulation disorder 功能性構音障礙兒童的智力水平和智力結構分析

Automaticity of articulation process of developmental stutterers in reading chinese characters 發展性口吃漢字朗讀過程中語音產出的自動化程度