
articulate adj.1.明了的,明白的;發音清晰的,音節分明的。2....

“we are such friends…“ bazarov articulated in a choked voice . “我們很談得來…”巴扎洛夫聲音有點兒沙啞地說。


- she ' s so articulate . - who did she kill -她很會說話-她殺了誰

Tk : an articulate voice from any quarter should be welcomed 來自任何角落的鏗鏘聲音都該受歡迎。

Driving licence code 20 - articulated vehicle 傷殘者車輛駕駛執照

I ' m a little deaf please articulate ( your words ) carefully 我有些耳背- -請(把話)仔細說清楚

Hong kong society of articulated vehicle driving instructors ltd 香港汽車駕駛教師聯會有限公司

She ' s unusually articulate for a ten - year - old 作為一個十歲的孩子來說,她的表達力是非常強的。

Articulated streamline train of light weight 輕重量關節流線型列車

Mechanical connections of articulated bus . telescopic tarpaulin 鉸接式客車機械連接裝置伸縮篷

Particularly if they are not able to articulate why 特別是當他們不能夠清楚的說明原因的時候。

Maximum authorized amss of articulated vehicle 鉸接車最大允許質量

Past test method for using a portable articulated strut slip tester 便攜式鉸鏈支桿滑動測試儀

I ' m a little deaf , please articulate your words carefully 我有些耳聾,請把話仔細地說清楚。

I called for you all night he articulated “我整夜都在叫你”他說。

Mary is the most articulate of the sisters 瑪麗是姐妹中最會說話的。

Vehicle other than articulated vehicle towing a trailer 拖曳一輛拖車的車輛(掛接車輛除外)

Arthur is the most articulate of the brothers 亞瑟是兄弟中最會說話的。

Standard specification for articulating total wrist implants 全部腕關節植入物的標準規范

Your ability to articulate never ceases to amaze 你的表達能力還是這么差