
article n.1.物品;制品,商品。2.項目,條款。3.【動物;動...


Every article has a price tag on it . 商品都標了價格。

His article was brief and forceful . 他的文章簡短有力。

This article is not well organized . 這篇文章層次不清。

Can i tear this article out of the newspaper ? 我可以把這篇文章從報紙上撕下來嗎?

His articles just stick to the topic . 他的文章很切題。

This quotation is taken from a newspaper article ... 這段引文是從報上抄錄來的。

He underlined the important words in the article . 他在文章中重要的話下面劃線。

This article can be read for reference . 這篇文章可參閱。

I can't tell you how i've slaved over the article . 我這部稿子寫得叫苦不堪言。

This article is wicked and clever . 這篇文章既尖刻又風趣。

The article is very badly organized . 這篇文章寫得很拉雜。

The article is written in a pungent style . 文章寫得潑辣。

This article lacks unity and coherence . 這篇文章層次不清。

The content of the two articles is more or less the same . 兩篇文章內容雷同。

They offended against every article of his creed . 他們觸犯了他的每一條戒律。

Could you boil that article down to 400 words ? 你能把這篇文章縮寫成400字嗎?

Do they detract from the clarity of the articles ? 他們是否有損于文章的清晰?

The article implies profound meaning . 那篇文章的含義很深。

This battle was vividly recorded in the article .. 本文生動地記載了這次戰役。