
arthur n.亞瑟〔男子名〕。 King Arthur 亞瑟王〔傳...

“it'll mean the end of the service, if arthur does something stupid,“ said furnival jonnes gloomily into his glass . 如果阿瑟干出某種蠢事來,那就意味著軍情局的毀滅”,弗尼瓦爾瓊斯喝著酒,憂傷地說道。


She had had a great doubt and terror lest arthur should not know her, but that pang was spared to her, in part at least . 她本來毫無把握,提心吊膽,怕亞瑟認不出她,結果這種憂慮是多余的,至少并不那么嚴重。

“it'll mean the end of the service, if arthur does something stupid,“ said furnival jonnes gloomily into his glass . 如果阿瑟干出某種蠢事來,那就意味著軍情局的毀滅”,弗尼瓦爾瓊斯喝著酒,憂傷地說道。

She and arthur were whirling round in a waltz in the midst of a great deal of queer, but exceedingly joyful company . 她和亞瑟夾在那五光十色,狂歡不已的人群中,隨著華爾茲的樂聲,飛也似地盤旋著。

And similarly, arthur kinsella, once he was in here, seemed to perk up and take heart of his present glory . 阿瑟金塞拉一到這里,仿佛也趾高氣揚起來,由于眼前的得意而精神百倍。

One of his first decisions was to bring arthur martin back from the wilderness to leconfield house . 他作出的首批決定之一就是把阿瑟馬丁從荒蕪之地召回到萊肯菲爾德大廈。

One day, about a month after the inquiry, arthur suddenly decided to speak to his father on the subject . 法院審理后大約一個月,有一天,阿瑟突然決定和父親談談這個問題。

Arthur sat in the library of the theological seminary at pisa, looking through a pile of manuscript sermons . 亞瑟坐在比薩神學院的圖書館里,正在翻查一大疊講道的文稿。

After reading the book about king arthur he became almost exclusively sir lamorace de galis . 讀了關于亞瑟王的書以后,他就變成一個獨一無二的拉摩納克德加里斯爵士。

Arthur waley's translations of chinese tang poetry have become classics of twentieth-century english verse . 亞瑟豐利翻譯的中國唐詩已成為20世紀英語詩歌中的精品。

Usually when blunt and arthur met, arthur recorded the conversation openly on a hand tape recorder . 阿瑟同布倫特會面時通常都用手提式錄音機把談話內容公開錄下來。

The industrial troubles, which were threatening to destroy the neptune, were wearing arthur down . 產業危機正威脅著要把內普丘恩煤礦搞垮,阿瑟已愁得垂頭喪氣了。

She fell back with a little cry, upon which, of course, arthur caught her adroitly in his arms . 她喊了一聲,幾乎摔倒,這時亞瑟自然手腳利索,立刻把她抱住了。

Mr. arthur pendennis gave a very queer and rather dangerous look at his companion . 亞瑟潘登尼斯先生瞅了他的朋友一眼,目光一反常態,幾乎帶有威脅的意味。

At the neptune, business was so bad that poor arthur was having to get rid of many of his men . 內普丘恩煤礦的生意極壞,可憐的阿瑟不得不解雇了許多工人。

David looked at arthur and, without any reason, he felt a strange sympathy for the boy . 大衛望著阿瑟,不知為了什么他對這個孩子產生了莫名其妙的同情。

The wrath of mr. arthur pendennis rose at the poor old fellow's feeble persecution . 可憐的老人這種無力的跟蹤,只是引起了亞瑟潘登尼斯先生的憤怒。

I told him that i doubted whether in the end i could have much influence over him or arthur . 我對他說,只怕歸根結蒂我對他或阿瑟都不會有多大影響。

He made a very blank and rueful face when he saw mr. arthur seated upon a table . 他看見亞瑟先生高踞在桌子上,不覺一愣,露出了無可奈何的傷心臉色。