
arthrosis n.1.關節。2.關節病。


Based on the theory of division of mid - way running motion period in boating style sprint , the motion of lower limbs ' arthrosis and muscles was explained in terms of an atomy , which should be useful for sprint training 摘要在“劃船式短跑技術”的途中跑動作周期的構成與劃分理論的基礎上,從解剖學角度就“劃船式短跑途中跑技術”下肢動作的關節運動和肌肉運動進行了理論闡釋,并與“后蹬式”作了分析比較;對短跑訓練有一定的指導作用。

But according to clinic research and referrence to literature , ultrasonic therapy has the best curative effect on treating bone arthrosis and muscle ache . for other sickness , just trial researches were did , indeed clinic application has not been into action 但根據臨床調查和查閱文獻,對治療骨、關節疾病和肌肉疼痛超聲波最具療效,對其它病癥,多是試驗性的研究,并未得到廣泛應用。

Hip dysplasia is a terrible genetic disease because of the various degrees of arthritis ( also called degenerative joint disease , arthrosis , osteoarthrosis ) it can eventually produce , leading to pain and debilitation 髖關節發育不全是一種嚴重的遺傳疾病,伴隨著于不同程度的關節炎(也可以被稱為退化性關節疾病) ,最終可能會引起犬只的疼痛與衰弱。

Medium grip can make you see your two finger arthrosis , then your hands from v , which is just opposite the middle line between your jaw and right shoulder , then can help the clubface towards target when you stroke the ball 不強不弱的中性握桿能看左手的兩個指關節,雙手的v字形都正對著下巴和右肩膀之間中線,幫助你在觸球時讓桿面正對目標。

Even it is used to sanitize the medical equipments , to treat with manual arthrosis etc . the qcm sensors based on the qcr attracted more attention in recent years 對等離子體的狀態也簡單介紹。低溫等離子體的產生條件是指導如何應用等離子體的基本理論,同時簡述了等離子體的發生設備與方法。

Function : to accelerate blood circulation and metabolic rate . in turn , this helps cure problems with tendons , bones , arthrosis , as well as relax the body , mind and improve health conditions 功能:加速血液循環及新陳代謝率,對于筋骨關節類毛病有改善作用,亦有助于舒緩疲勞及增強體質。

At the same time , practice combining with the video , it can release the conglutination , smooth the arthrosis , so as to recover the shoulder function , bring out the best in each other 同時,結合本片中的功能鍛煉可以松解粘連、滑利關節,從而促進肩關節功能的恢復,兩者相得益彰。

We designed an ultrasonator which is aimed to treat bone arthrosis and muscle ache . in the course of ultrasonic therapy , dosage of ultrasonic sound is not only an important , but a complex problem 本課題所研制的超聲治療儀器就是針對治療骨關節炎癥和肌肉疼痛病癥而專門設計的。

By massage , it can invigorate the circulation of blood , relieve swelling and pain , release the conglutination , and smooth the arthrosis . it is effective for curing ankle strain 按摩可以活血化瘀、消腫止痛、松解粘連、滑利關節,對于治療踝關節扭傷效果極佳。

Three airbags in the seat cushion , eight airbags in the calf support , four air massage modes with optional intensities . arthrosis traction at the knees 座墊配置三個氣囊,小腿配置八個氣囊,有四種氣壓按摩模式,根據需要可調節氣壓按摩強度。

Three airbags in the seat cushion , eight airbags in the calf support , four air massage modes with optional intensities . arthrosis tractin at the knees 座墊配置三個氣囊,小腿配置八個氣囊,有四種氣壓按摩模式,根據需要可調節氣壓按摩強度。

The state of back pain in young people is commonly due to phenomena such as arthrosis , osteophytes or traumatism of the vertebral column 年輕人有背痛的現象,可能是由于脊椎骨退化有骨剌或脊骨震傷所致。

They were classified and treated according to their grade of reduction and degree of arthrosis 手術治療是依患者骨折復位的情形及傷后性踝關節炎之程度加以分類而接受不同的手術。

Arthrosis traction at the knees 設計了膝關節牽引功能。