
arthropod adj.節肢動物的。n.節肢動物。

The mega bugs exhibition staged in the museum from december 1997 , featured nine monster - sized robotic insects and arthropods 由一九九七年十二月起在科學館舉行的“昆蟲王國“展覽,展出9只巨型機械昆蟲和節足動物。

The application of pesticide “ kky “ showed significant influences on arthropod community in megranate field 摘要研究施用不同濃度的植物源復合殺蟲劑kky對石榴園節肢動物群落的影響。


The analysis of seasonal change of arthropod community in transgenic bt cotton field could be classified as three stages , the first stage was from may to the end of june , the second stage was from july to the end of august , the third stage was after september 根據棉花生育期與棉田昆蟲群落發展的相互關系,可將轉基因棉田昆蟲群落發展的季節格局劃分為三個階段:前期( 5月初到6月底) 、中期( 7月初到8月下旬)和后期( 8月底以后) 。

Rolando wrote in an e - mail message , “ because most species during summer forage in grass , and some also make nests on the ground . ” the researchers found that the habitat loss also affected arthropod populations ; there were fewer insects in the trail plots , so there was less food for the birds 研究人員還發現,棲息地減少同樣影響節肢動物的種群數量;滑雪場內的昆蟲較少,于是鳥類便很難在滑雪場內找到食物。

Within the one - hour lecture class , we talked about features , basic knowledge , and differences between the reptiles , amphibians and arthropods . the concept and details of captive care , husbandry and conservation about the three were also covered 在一小時的講座內,我們簡述了爬蟲類兩棲類及節肢類動物的特性形態和不同種類之間的分別,也有關于飼養和保育的資訊。

This paper analyzed the temporal pattern of the arthropod community in jujube orchard in taigu area of shanxi province , regarding this community as a whole and in the light of its species constitution and amount 摘要將棗園節肢動物群落視為一個整體,根據群落內物種的組成和數量,采用不同群落參數和群落分析法對太谷地區棗園節肢動物群落的時間格局進行了比較。

The nitrogen fertilization not only improved the nutrients and habitats for arthropods but also altered the dynamics and structure of food web through the changing the aquatic invertebrate community in rice fields 稻田生態系統中施用氮肥不僅可以改進節肢動物的營養條件和生境,而且還可以通過水生無脊椎動物群落的變化改變整個食物鏈的結構和動態。

Based on the climatic and phonological conditions at each stage , the development characteristics of the arthropod community as well as the management strategies of its dominant pests were discussed 可將棗園節肢動物群落在時序上分為發展期、過渡期、鼎盛期和衰減期4個階段,并結合氣候、物候變化,討論了各階段群落的發生特點和主要害蟲的治理對策。

Fossil footprints of arthropods found in western australia that were made in the sandy flats surrounding temporary lakes , indicate that these animals may have accompanied the landward march of plants 被做在含沙艙內甲板圍攏臨時湖節肢動物的化石腳印發現了在澳大利亞西部,表明,這些動物也許伴隨植物landward行軍。

Four monophyletic groups have traditionally been united as myriapoda , namely chilopoda , pauropoda , diplopoda and symphyla . the relationships of myriapods are central to most questions in higher - level arthropod phylogeny 現生的多足動物主要由唇足綱、綜合綱、少足綱和倍足綱四個單系群組成。

Although some arthropods such as wasps , wild bees , ants , millipedes , motes , etc . are harmful or cause nuisance to human beings , they are not killed unless they pose a threat 審慎的殺滅方法雖然黃蜂野蜂螞蟻倍足綱節肢動物等節肢動物會傷害或滋擾人類,但除非它們構成威脅,否則不會被殺滅。

On the other hand , because of the big quantity of the arthropod fossils , arthropoda is still the phylum which is researched most frequently and deeply 但另一方面,由于節肢動物化石的產量很大,所以它依然是研究最多和最深入的一個化石門類。就目前狀況而言,將待研究的其它節肢動物還很多。

Although some arthropods such as wasps , wild bees , ants , millipedes , motes , etc . are harmful or cause nuisance to human beings , they are not killed unless they pose a threat 雖然黃蜂、野蜂、螞蟻、倍足綱節肢動物、 ?等節肢動物會傷害或滋擾人類,但除非它們構成威脅,否則不會被殺滅。

The agricultural activities change their vertical distributions in the soil profile , and improve the richness and abundance of macro - arthropods in the lower soil stratum especially in july 研究區共捕獲大型土壤節肢動物2357只,分別隸屬于節肢動物門5綱9目70科。

The dynamics of diversity and the composition of nutrient classes and dominant guilds of arthropod community in different intercropping and managing jujube yard ecosystems 不同類型棗園節肢動物群落營養層及優勢功能集團的組成與多樣性時序動態

The results showed that the test arthropod community could be temporally divided into 4 stages i . e . , developmental , transitional , prosperous , and declining 結果表明,影響棗園節肢動物群落時間格局的主導因子及時間格局分化較為明顯。

Baculoviruses are arthropod specific viruses that have long been used as biological agents to control the insects attacking crop plants 摘要桿狀病毒是鱗翅目昆蟲的重要病原微生物,在重要農業害蟲的生物防治中具有很大的應用前景。

The seasonal dynamics of vertical distribution of the dominant guilds and their relationship in arthropod community in intercropped and managed jujube yard ecosystems 棗園節肢動物群落優勢功能集團的空間時序動態及其相關性

Hkras is concerned about reptiles and amphibians in particular and arthropods , small mammals and all natural life in general 香港爬蟲協會主要關注所有爬蟲類及兩棲類動物,同時也關注于節肢類、小型哺乳類及所有自然生物。