
arthritic adj.關節炎的。n.關節炎患者。

Funk , an endocrinologist in the ua department of medicine , says this study provides several noteworthy “ firsts . “ completed with the researchers ' own prepared , well - defined extracts , the study represents the first documentation of the chemical composition of a curcumin - containing extract tested in a living organism , in vivo , for anti - arthritic efficacy 提取物完全是由研究者自己制備,自己提煉,這項研究是第一次把姜黃提取物的化合物在活體內進行實驗驗證抗風濕的效力。


Bigger steps may hurt your knees . walking offers both biological and psychological benefits . for instance , it helps us to unwind , resist depression , become keener observers of our surroundings , lose weight , increase the good cholesterol in the blood , minimize the risk of fractures in people with osteoporosis , lower high blood pressure , reduce the risk of complications from diabetes , and improve the flexibility of arthritic joints 走路除有益生理之外,還有一些心理層面的好處,如讓你減輕壓力對抗憂郁使你更能看清周圍的事物等,走路也能減肥,還會增加你血中好的膽固醇,也會減少骨質疏松者發生骨折的機率,會降低血壓,會減少糖尿病患出現合并癥的機率,以及增加關節炎病人活動力等等。

Nevertheless they are varied in neglected ankle fractures according to their individual conditions : open reductions were performed on cases with no or little arthritic change even though arthrosis might occur later because , if necessary , future conversion to osteotomy or arthrodesis would be easier 然而在延誤的踝關節骨折卻須考量其他因素,治療依情況而定:觀血復位術仍可用在尚無傷后性關節炎,或僅是輕度關節炎的患者,因為即使將來難免有些會發生關節炎,但經復位后的骨折在必要時接受下腔骨骨切術或踝關節融合術都會較容易成功。

Funk , an endocrinologist in the ua department of medicine , says this study provides several noteworthy “ firsts . “ completed with the researchers ' own prepared , well - defined extracts , the study represents the first documentation of the chemical composition of a curcumin - containing extract tested in a living organism , in vivo , for anti - arthritic efficacy 提取物完全是由研究者自己制備,自己提煉,這項研究是第一次把姜黃提取物的化合物在活體內進行實驗驗證抗風濕的效力。

The density of mucopolysaccharide increased upon complete sonication more for the treated rats than for the controls , and this was closely related with the improvement in histopatho - logical findings , but inversely with the changes in arthritic severity 在治療組中黏多醣類的密度在超音波治療前后及和控制組比較均有明顯的上升,而且于超音波治療結束時之黏多醣類密度與組織病理學上的修護有密切相關;同時黏多醣類密度的變化與嚴重度指標的改變成負相關。

In conclusion , therapeutic ultrasound enhances mucopolysaccharide synthesis of arthritic cartilage , and results in the repair of arthritic cartilage in the early stage of induced arthritis and the prevention of deteriorative changes in later stages 結論,治療性超音波將促進關節炎軟骨中黏多醣類之合成并因而促進早期大白鼠誘發性關節炎中關節軟骨的修護,同時可阻止晚期關節炎中關節軟骨的惡化。

As hank neared the old dog ' s cage , he laced his fingers through the chain link to steady his gait and the first feeling of comfort he ' d remembered in over a year came from a wet nose and lick across his arthritic fingers 在漢克走近老狗的窩時,他抓住狗屋的鋼絲網,停下站穩,隨即感受到了一年來的頭一次撫慰,一只濕潤的鼻子正在蹭他那患有關節炎的手指。

Healing powers : turquoise is a very powerful aid in both physical and mental healing and has been used for healing on every continent ! a common use of turquoise is to relieve arthritic pain 在色調上屬中性冷色,明度上給人以輕軟的感覺,所以在佩戴上選擇對比色,特別是在深暗的顏色背景上更能呈現出它的明快和質樸。

The modified drug , which would be injected directly into arthritic joints , could last for several weeks rather than just the few hours the unmodified drug would last , the researchers said 研究人員稱經過改良的藥物可以直接注射入患病關節,藥效可持續數周,而原型藥物僅能維持幾小時。

Arthritic dislocation is the common postoperative complication of total hip arthroplasty and larger ball head could be one of the efficient means to deal with this problem 摘要關節脫位是全髖關節置換術后常見的并發癥,而采用大直徑球頭是減少術后脫位的可能途徑之一。

Glucosamine sulfate contains components that aid the repair of joint cartilage . patients who take a supplement of 500 mg three times daily may notice that their arthritic symptoms lessen 骨維素包含的成分能修復關節軟骨。每日三次服用500毫克補充劑,可以改善關節炎。

It also provides the first evidence of anti - arthritic efficacy of a complex turmeric extract that is analogous in composition to turmeric dietary supplements 它同樣是第一次證明了姜黃食品添加劑的成分和抗風濕的作用的提取物成分類似。

Such was his fearlessness in battle that contemporaries understandably considered his survival to an arthritic old age to be a miracle 正是他在戰斗中所體現出的那種大無畏使其在同代人中幸存下來直至垂老并被尊稱為一代傳奇。

The changes in their arthritic severity after sonication treatment and two months after treatment were measured using 99m - tc bone scan 組織病理學上的變化則經膝關節切片后以伊紅性洋蘇木素染色于光學顯微鏡下觀察。

Heat , in the form of hot baths and hot packs , has been widely acclaimed and accepted as an aid in the treatment of arthritic pain 以熱水浴和熱袋形式的熱敷作為關節炎疼痛的輔助治療已經被廣泛地認同。

Lyme disease , a tick - transmitted bacterial infection , can lead to recurrent arthritic symptoms in dogs and humans 萊姆關節炎癥,扁虱(也就是蜱)傳播的細菌感染病,會引發犬類和人周期性關節炎癥。

Femoral head ostectomy is a surgery performed on severely arthritic dogs 股骨斷截骨術’都是針對關節炎嚴重的狗狗的手術。

He ' s old . he ' s arthritic 他老了,關節炎

The retired arthritic cops always get that shift 那班次都是些關節炎退役警官