
artful adj.1.狡猾的。2.有手腕的;機靈的,巧妙的。3.〔...

Among all the skills , the following constitute a special attractive style in xiao hong ' s novel , which are a demonstration of xiao hong ' s discovery and development in her novel language as well , such as , complicated narration “ against with concision “ , “ contrary narration of implication instead of superficial semantics , intended a “ aberrational “ organization of sentences , circumbendibus of meanings and flavors with artful organization of sounds and rhythms , and etc 其中,與簡潔“背道而馳”的繁復敘述,以內在含義扭轉表層語義的“悖反敘述” ,有意“越軌”的句子組合方式,以及巧借聲韻的婉約傳達意味與情趣等特點,構成了蕭紅后期小說文體的獨特魅力,也顯示了蕭紅在小說語言藝術上的探索與變化。


It is part of the traditional chinese culture , excellent material and craftmanship , also carrying the significance of ancient and artful meaning , with strong life . we display the precious furniture hard to see ordinarily , and depict the history , arts and material of them , to help you understand the essence of chinese traditional culture 中國古家具是中國傳統文化的一部分,不僅有著精良的材質和高超的制作工藝,還積著中國古老的、十分精粹的藝術內涵,有著經久不衰的強大藝術生命力,本片采取平實的敘事手法,紀錄一些市面上很難見到的古家具,描繪古家具的歷史、工藝、材質特點,讓您從一個側面領略博大精深的中國傳統文化精髓。

Among all the skills , the following constitute a special attractive style in xiao hong ' s novel , which are a demonstration of xiao hong ' s discovery and development in her novel language as well , such as , complicated narration “ against with concision “ , “ contrary narration of implication instead of superficial semantics , intended a “ aberrational “ organization of sentences , circumbendibus of meanings and flavors with artful organization of sounds and rhythms , and etc 其中,與簡潔“背道而馳”的繁復敘述,以內在含義扭轉表層語義的“悖反敘述” ,有意“越軌”的句子組合方式,以及巧借聲韻的婉約傳達意味與情趣等特點,構成了蕭紅后期小說文體的獨特魅力,也顯示了蕭紅在小說語言藝術上的探索與變化。

The connotations of the poetry are enriched by the contradictions , entanglement and complement of each subject , the contrast and juxtaposition among sections and sentences , and the artful segmentation of long sentences , which resulted in a variety of interpretations 各個主題群落的矛盾、糾結和補充,篇與篇之間、句與句之間的對比、并列,長句的巧妙分割豐富了詩集的內涵,造成了多重意蘊。

The artistic style of such writings is of implicit charm , of artful scheme , or of great grief and indignation or out of the common run in moral character , which bestowed dian ci with profound historical and cultural connotation and considerable cultural quality 其藝術風格,或潛氣內轉,或縱橫捭闔,或悲慨淋漓,或超塵高蹈,從而使滇詞具備了較深厚的歷史文化內涵和相當的文化品位。

If tess had been artful , had she made a scene , fainted , wept hysterically , in that lonely lane , notwithstanding the fury of fastidiousness with which he was possessed , he would probably not have withstood her 要是苔絲是個有心機的女人,在那條偏僻的籬路上吵鬧一番,暈倒一次,歇斯底里地大哭一場,盡管安琪爾當時的態度是那樣難以取悅,大概他也很難招架得住。

At the core of the row lies the kremlin ' s deep - rooted conviction that the rest of the world works in the same way as russia , which is merely more honest and less artful in concealing its motives 雙方爭執的核心就是,克里姆林宮堅信世界上其他國家也會像俄羅斯一樣行事,只是俄羅斯更誠實和不善于掩飾其動機而已。

There is no one bible or book of common prayer for all wiccans , however , and great value is placed on creativity , poetry and the artful integration of different myths and ritual elements 沒有一本圣經或英國國教的祈禱書包括了全部的巫術崇拜,然而不同的神話和宗教儀式原理綜合了大量的創造力、詩歌、藝術。

It is part of the traditional chinese culture , excellent material and craftsmanship , also carrying the significance of ancient and artful meaning , with strong life 中國古家具是中國傳統文化的一部分,不僅有著精良的材質和高超的制作工藝,還積淀著中國古老的,十分精粹的藝術內涵,有著經久不衰的強大藝術生命力

The most artful person could not have stolen into the princesss confidence more cunningly , by arousing her recollections of the best time of her youth , and showing sympathy with them 即使是一個最狡猾的人,也不能那么輕而易舉地就獲得公爵小姐的信任,就能呼喚起她對最美好的青春的回憶和對青春的熱愛。

On the other hand , she was an artful match & shy ; maker who must have suffered in her double game of acting as lookout for my parents without being disloyal to mina 另一方面,她是一個高超的媒人,當我父母談戀愛時,她一定為夾在中間而感到很痛苦,她即要為我父母把風,又不能對我祖母不忠。

Handwriting ; but that it was all the same ; that , indeed , it was rather the better for the prosecution , as showing the prisoner to be artful in his precautions 雖然這些文件尚無法確證為該犯筆跡,卻也無傷大局,因為它更足以說明該犯之老謀深算,早已預留地步,因之尤應受到制裁。

Characters like ebenezer scrooge and the artful dodger could be lining up just yards from stylish bars and a new nine - screen cinema showing more modern fables 而在時尚的酒吧和有九個屏幕、放映更多現代故事的影院附近,擺放一些像埃比尼澤?斯克魯奇和小扒手道奇這樣的角色。

There are artful artists and awful artists , although there are a lot of awesome artful artists , annoying awful artists ' occur more often 有精明的藝術巧匠,也有糟糕透頂的藝人,雖然有許多技藝驚人的能工巧手,令人惱火又可怕的藝術家更是處處可見。

When you realize the artful thought in the design , and put the concept in you daily life , it will state your house of stillness and beauty 當能體會其中的巧思,將設計面的理念確實融入日常生活中,陳述了居室沉靜秀致的一面。

The celestial jewelry is really artful and full of spirit . the same design , when worn by different people , expresses different senses of beauty 天飾真是藝術珍品,充滿靈氣,同一款式戴在不同的人身上,展現出不同的美感。

He was set free in the end by the artful hermes , but not before he had suffered all the humiliations 他自動放下武器,被銬上鐵鏈關了起來,最后他被老練的赫爾墨斯救出來,但在此之前,他已飽嘗了受侮辱的滋味。

The artful use of the garden s cliff - line topography and natural springs provides the visitor with a rich variety of views to enjoy 庭園陡峭地勢以及天然泉水的巧妙運用,使游客得以飽覽豐富多樣的景觀。

The little girl is an artful dodger ; she can get anything she wants from her parents by her cunning talk 那小孩很狡猾;她能用甜言蜜語從她父母那里得到她想要的任何東西。