
artesian adj.自流的。

Comparing the artesian well waste material that to autonomous prefecture churchyard unit of 3 oil field develops integratedly harmless change deal with the technology is pilot after the job develops a case , form following conclusion : what artesian well solid abandons is harmless change deal with the technology accords with the state council “ watch the decision that reinforces environmental protection about fulfilling scientific progress “ in “ industry of positive development environmental protection , apply market mechanism to advance pollution to administer “ wait for multinomial spirit , but resource conservation , reduce pollution , raise business economic benefits , the effect with environmental distinct benefit , in me the city already had the requirement that uses at real work , the proposal takes the lead by environmental protection branch , participate in next progressively promotion application what the unit of aptitude offers unit of technology , oil field directly 在綜合比對自治州境內三家油田單位開展的鉆井廢物無害化處置技術試點工作開展情況之后,形成如下結論:鉆井固廢的無害化處置技術符合國務院“關于落實科學發展觀加強環境保護的決定”中“積極發展環保產業、運用市場機制推進污染治理”等多項精神,可節約資源、減少污染,提高企業經濟效益,環境效益顯著的作用,在我州已具備應用于實際工作的條件,建議由環保部門牽頭、有資質的單位提供技術、油田單位的直接參與下逐步推廣應用。

A model of nonartesian - artesian pumping well and new techniques of “ water dam “ hole - well cleaning are put forward 提出了無壓承壓井抽水模式和“攔水壩”式沖孔洗井等新工藝。

artesian well

Of the various kinds of prospecting work , the hydrogeologic work should be mainly carried out in following aspects : division of hydrogeological units , the determination of artesian water - bearing system and the identification of prospecting target horizon ; the analysis on hydrodynamic regime , the analysis on hydrogeochemical environments , the paleo - hydrogeologic analysis and the delineation of redox front and favourable area for uranium ore - formation 其中水文地質工作著重從以下幾個方面來進行:水文地質單元劃分;承壓含水系統和目的層的確定;水動力條件分析;水文地球化學環境分析;古水文地質分析;氧化還原帶和成礦有利地段的圈定。

Amongst us you will not meet with any of those episodes with which your adventurous existence has so familiarized you ; our chimborazo is mortmartre , our himalaya is mount valerien , our great desert is the plain of grenelle , where they are now boring an artesian well to water the caravans 在我們這里,您遇不到任何在您的冒險生活里常常遇到的那種插曲。馬特山就是我們的琴博拉索山,凡爾靈山就是我們的喜馬拉雅山,格勒內爾平原就是我們的戈壁大沙漠,而且他們現在正在那兒掘一口自流井,以便沙漠里的旅客能有水吃。

Works fechnique the power is strong , produce the equipment excellent , the examination way assort , and the main product adopt the oil ( air ) mouth of well the apparatus , artesian well the fube concourse , and all pass the section of national authority direct to inspect qualified , the business enterprise passed the iso9001 the attestation of international mass system , and carry through whole management process , and guarantee out the plant product 100 % of proplar and national and each and big oil - field of superior quality , producl , and outlet kazakhstan , egypt iso - nation 工廠技術力量雄厚、生產設備精良、檢測手段齊全,主產品采油氣井口裝置、鉆井管匯,均通過國家權威監督部門檢驗合格,企業通過了iso9001國際質量體系認證,并貫徹整個管理過程,保證出廠產品100 %的優質,產品暢銷全國各大油田,并出口哈薩克斯坦、埃及等國家。

In order to respond to the police of enviromental , i have analyzed the advantages and disadvantage s of in bulk and in bag , and i assumed that found the blend concrete station in the east region of sichuan which near the main battalfiled of artesian well in this artical , i have analyzed direction of the fund floating of oilwell concrete supply chain and found out the advantages and disadvantages exist at present in this 總之,油井水泥是一種特殊的鉆井物資,四川石油管理局油井水泥供應鏈是一個有特點的供應鏈。保證油井水泥的定時定點到達,降低水泥采購成本和供應鏈交易成本,這是實行油井水泥供應鏈管理的目的所在。為了達到這一目的,本文從供應鏈基本觀點出發、從第一手數據出發、從目前供應鏈各環節現狀出發,

Comparing the artesian well waste material that to autonomous prefecture churchyard unit of 3 oil field develops integratedly harmless change deal with the technology is pilot after the job develops a case , form following conclusion : what artesian well solid abandons is harmless change deal with the technology accords with the state council “ watch the decision that reinforces environmental protection about fulfilling scientific progress “ in “ industry of positive development environmental protection , apply market mechanism to advance pollution to administer “ wait for multinomial spirit , but resource conservation , reduce pollution , raise business economic benefits , the effect with environmental distinct benefit , in me the city already had the requirement that uses at real work , the proposal takes the lead by environmental protection branch , participate in next progressively promotion application what the unit of aptitude offers unit of technology , oil field directly 在綜合比對自治州境內三家油田單位開展的鉆井廢物無害化處置技術試點工作開展情況之后,形成如下結論:鉆井固廢的無害化處置技術符合國務院“關于落實科學發展觀加強環境保護的決定”中“積極發展環保產業、運用市場機制推進污染治理”等多項精神,可節約資源、減少污染,提高企業經濟效益,環境效益顯著的作用,在我州已具備應用于實際工作的條件,建議由環保部門牽頭、有資質的單位提供技術、油田單位的直接參與下逐步推廣應用。

The method of applying monoclinal water storage structures in determining dynamic water level emphasizes on experimental calculation of the height of artesian water followed by picturing hydrodynamic field in couple with limited available data of groundwater level 采用單斜儲水構造來確定水動力場的特征,其核心步驟為引用試算法,確定承壓水形成高度,然后結合研究區僅有的地下水位資料,刻畫水動力場。

Introduction : yh series of artesian well has a good lubricity , floatability and rheopery . it plays an important role in protecting the wall of the well , and it also can be used in the aspects of oil field artesian well and oil base unfreezing slurry 介紹: yh系列鉆井用膨潤土具有良好的潤滑性,懸浮性和觸變性,能有效地起到保護井壁的作用,可用于油田鉆井,油基解卡泥漿等方面

Abundant deep groundwater , with great variation on groundwater quality , has been found in the cretaceous artesian basin and groundwater is controlled by lithofacies - paleo - geography and recharge , runoff and discharge conditions of groundwater and etc 白堊系自流盆地初步揭示了深部賦存有豐富的地下水,地下水受巖相古地理、地下水補徑排條件等控制,水質差異較大。

Realm . e . feldspar s application : manufacturing potassium fertilizer , manufacturing porcelain and enamel ware , glass raw material , wheting the grain etc . . f . the barite primarily used for the artesian wells of petroleum and natural gas 麥飯石原巖本身多半由鉀長石斜長石石英等礦物組成,含有銅鋅鋁錳鐵鈦磷等微量元素,且又具有良好的溶出性和吸附性。

It occurred many times on the ocean of shengli oil field that driving piles were defeated , artesian well flat roof leaned , oil transport pipe brook and oil leaked in the year of 1984 , 1987 , 1994 and 1998 勝利油田在1984年- 1987年、 1994年、 1998年多次發生海上插樁失敗和暴風浪下采油鉆井平臺傾斜、輸油管破裂漏油。

We already possess , in the artesian well , the means of converting unfertile wastes into rich corn fields ; and what unknown forces may not yet be hidden in the interior of the earth 我們已經能夠靠了自流井把不毛之地變成膏壤,地質也許還有什么未知力量在潛伏中有待發現,誰又能斷言呢?

For example , the cost concludes of artesian well , the analysis of cost data , etc . so we developed the financial information system for no . 1 drilling co . liaohe oil filed 本文在詳細分析遼河油田鉆井一公司財務信息管理系統的基礎上,對系統的研究與開發進行了論述。

Qualified personnel of technology of major of side of company of foreign capital oil , especially geological engineer and artesian well engineer compare deficient 外資石油企業方面專業技術人才,尤其是地質工程師和鉆井工程師比較匱乏。

A model of nonartesian - artesian pumping well and new techniques of “ water dam “ hole - well cleaning are put forward 提出了無壓承壓井抽水模式和“攔水壩”式沖孔洗井等新工藝。

Distribution law of groundwater hydrochemical type in the ordos cretaceous artesian basin 鄂爾多斯白堊系地下水盆地地下水水化學類型的分布規律

Artesian well pump 自流井用抽水機

Artesian pressure head 自流水水壓頭