
artery n.1.【解剖學】動脈。2.干線,要道;中樞。短語和例子...


Scar tissue can cause the artery to became narrow again 瘢痕組織能夠造成動脈再次變窄。

It ' s connected to an artery through the urethra 與沿尿道走向的動脈連接

Determining the calcium scores of coronary artery 冠狀動脈鈣化積分的測定

Intervention in elderly patients with coronary artery disease 老年冠心病患者的介入治療

Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery 動脈內膜炎動脈內層膜的炎癥

The doctor says it missed the artery and the bone 醫生說沒打中動脈和骨頭

Research progress in coronary - artery stent materials 水凝膠在醫學領域的熱點研究及應用

Artery wiii expand and eventuaiiy resuit in death 病情就會繼續惡化,結果只有死路一條

Emergent and urgent coronary artery bypass grafting 急診冠狀動脈旁路移植術

The blockage or rupture of the artery can cause stroke 血管阻塞或破裂都可引致中風。

An analysis model of pulsatile blood flow in arteries 動脈中血液脈動流的一種分析方法

Yeah , she said the grape - nuts kept her arteries clean 她說葡萄干麥片能幫助清理動脈

The blood in one ' s artery becomes blocked due to fear 動脈中的血液由于恐懼而結成塊

Two - dimensional movement analysis of coronary artery 冠狀動脈的二維運動分析

Increased rate of artherosclerosis hardening of arteries 3 )對嬰孩成長的影響

Come on , look at taub ' s mrls , look at his arteries , 來,來看托伯透析片看看他的動脈

Coronary artery interventional therapy rotablating 冠狀動脈介入治療腔內支架

Permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion , pmcao 方法采用大鼠永久性大腦中動脈阻塞

Primary pulmonary artery sarcoma is a rare tumor 摘要肺動脈肉瘤是一種罕見的腫瘤。