
arteriovenous adj.動靜脈的。


The hemodynamic change induced by embolization of the cerebral arteriovenous malformation was analyzed using the water hammer principle . the highest pressure that can be reached when the water hammer phenomenon occurs was calculated . the acute instantaneous pressure rising may be an important factor leading to intracranial hemorrhage or swelling when the avm is embolized . it is shown that long feeding artery of avm will increase the possibility of direct water hammer , and high wall shear stress of feeding artery will increase the water hammer pressure . this suggests that such kind of avms should be embolized stepwise and the systemic pressure should be rationally reduced before embolization 以水擊原理分析了腦avm栓塞治療時血液動力學變化過程,計算了瞬時水擊壓力可能達到的最高值。瞬時增高的水擊壓力可能是avm栓塞時發生急性腦出血或腦腫脹的重要血液動力學因素。而avm供血動脈血管壁面切應力偏高和供血動脈過長可增加水擊的危險程度,提示對這類結構avm栓塞治療時應采取合理的降壓措施并盡可能分多次栓塞。

They generally arise when a continuous pressure differential allows blood to flow constantly from a high to a low pressure area , as may occur in a variety of congenital defects , most commonly patent ductus arteriosus , anomalous origin of the left coronary artery , or coronary arteriovenous fistula 一般出現在持續壓力差使血液從一高壓區不斷流向低壓區時,也可以出現在一些有先天性缺陷的病,最常見的有動脈導管未閉、左冠狀動脈起端異常,或冠狀靜脈動脈瘺。

The angiographic appearances included arterial occlusion ( 16 vessels ) , extravasation of contrast ( 6 vessels ) , intraluminal defects ( 3 vessels ) , arteriovenous fistula ( 1 vessel ) , arterial narrowing ( 5 vessels ) , and slow arterial flow ( 9 vessels ) , etc 血管造影的表現為動脈閉塞16條血管、動脈腔內缺損3條、對比劑外滲6條、動脈狹窄5條、局部管腔擴張2條、動靜脈瘺1條、動脈偏離3條、動脈血流速減低9條、局部動脈缺損處包塊染色1條。

Results immediate angiography after embolization showed all the arteriovenous fistulas and hemangiomas were efficiently occluded and the clinical presentation and symptoms improved greatly 結果栓塞治療后造影證實,動靜脈?和血管瘤均得到有效閉塞,臨床癥狀、體徵迅速改善,術后1 ~ 3年觀察隨訪,治療有效率100 % ,治愈率68 . 7 % 。

Conclusions radiosurgery significantky decreases the risk of hemorrhage in patients with cerebrak arteriovenous makformations ? even before there is angiographic evidence of obkiteration 結論放射手術可顯著降低腦動靜脈畸形病人的出血危險,即使是在獲得畸形消失的血管造影證據之前也是這樣。

The rat arteriovenous shunt thrombosis test showed that both congsheng capsules and hydergine could obviously decrease both wet weight and dry weight of thrombus 通過大鼠動靜脈旁路血栓形成試驗,表明聰圣膠囊和喜得鎮均可明顯降低血栓濕重和干重。

Effect of rehabilitation intervention on reconstruction of brain and limb function of patients with hemorrhagic cerebral arteriovenous malformation after embolization 康復干預對出血性腦動靜脈畸形栓塞術后患者腦和肢體功能重建的效應

In the last 2 decades , diagnosis of congenital renal arteriovenous malformation has increased owing to the availability of angiography 摘要過去二十年來,因血管攝影術的普遍應用,先天性動靜脈畸型的診斷明顯的增加。

Evaluation of steal phenomena by measuring the steal index using transcranial doppler ultrasound in intracranial arteriovenous malformation 應用經顱多普勒超聲盜血指數評估腦動靜脈畸形盜血的初步研究

It is difficult to manage arteriovenous malformations or fistulas of the face because of the abundant vascular network in this region 摘要臉部動靜脈畸型或瘺管因為內含大量血管網,導致很難處理。

Study on the treatment of severe neonate hyperbilirubinemia by peripheral arteriovenous synchronous exchange transfusion 外周動靜脈同步換血治療重癥新生兒高膽紅素血癥的研究

Changes of somatosensory evoked potentials in endovascular embolization for cerebral arteriovenous malformation 腦動靜脈畸形介入栓塞治療中軀體感覺誘發電位的變化

Cerebral arteriovenous malformation ; water hammer ; embolization ; hemodynamics ; acute intracranial hemorrhage 腦動靜脈畸形水擊栓塞血液動力學急性腦內出血

On the levels of blood endothelin and nitric oxide after femoral arteriovenous fistula operation in rabbits 經穴輸氧對大鼠顱腦損傷后一氧化氮合酶活性的影響

Diagnosis of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation by three - dimensional reconstruction of spiral computed tomograph 三維重建診斷肺動靜脈畸形的價值

Advances in research on the theoretical models of hemodynamics of cerebral arteriovenous malformation 腦動靜脈畸型血流動力學的理論模型研究進展

Arteriovenous nicking was also associated with prevalent and incident infarcts 動靜脈局部狹窄也同普遍和偶發的梗塞相聯系。

Endovascular embolization of cerebral arteriovenous malformation with nbca glue 氰基丙烯酸正丁酯液體膠栓塞治療腦動靜脈畸形

Coronary arteriovenous fistula is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly 摘要先天性冠狀動靜脈管是相當罕見的先天性心臟疾病。