
arteriosclerosis n.【醫學】動脈硬化(癥)。

The formation of arteriosclerosis plaque is involved in the basic pathologic change of arterial thrombosis , the platelet adhesive and aggregation is action as a “ trigger “ in arterial thrombosis 動脈血栓形成的基礎病變是動脈粥樣硬化,血小板黏附聚集在動脈血栓形成中起“扳機”作用,靜脈血栓形成的主要因素是淤血和高凝。


Modern medical science has established that puerarin has the following therapeutical effects , such as lowering of blood pressure , slowing of heart rates , dilation of coronary artery , inhibition of arteriosclerosis and has a marked therapeutic effect for coronary arteries diseases 現代醫學證明葛根素具有降血壓、減速心律、擴張冠狀血管、抑制動脈硬化等藥理功效,對心血管疾病有顯著的療效。

Modern medical science has established that puerarin has the following therapeutical effects , such as lowering of blood pressure , slowing of heart rates , dilation of coronary artery , inhibition of arteriosclerosis and has a marked therapeutic effect for coronary arteries diseases 現代醫學證明葛根素具有降血壓減速心律擴張冠狀血管抑制動脈硬化等藥理功效,對心血管疾病有顯著的療效。

Objective to study the effect of wenmaitong and its disassembled formulas on the adhesion of monocytes to endothelial cells induced by hyperlipidemic serum to explore the mechanism of wmt on early arteriosclerosis obliterans . methods serums . . 目的研究溫脈通及其拆方對高脂血清誘導的單核細胞與血管內皮細胞黏附及黏附分子表達的影響,以探討溫脈通治療早期動脈硬化閉塞癥aso的機制。

Accordingly , pressing of arteries and veins increases besides wanting to consider aorta valve shuts the common cause such as not complete , hyperthyroidism , consider to whether be put in arteriosclerosis to send the element that flexibility drops even 因此,脈壓增大除了要考慮到主動脈瓣關閉不全、甲狀腺機能亢進等常見原因外,還要考慮是否存在動脈硬化致彈性下降的因素。

Soybean could reduce cholesterin , prevent cardiopathy and cancer , resist arteriosclerosis and caducity , reduce blood pressure etc , so people all over the world paid attention to the store and process of soybean 許多研究表明,大豆能夠降低膽固醇,預防心臟病和癌癥,抗動脈硬化,抗衰老,降低血壓等,所以大豆的貯藏及其作為功能性食品的加工與開發就引起了世界各國的關注。

Objective to study the effect of wenmaitong and its disassembled formulas on the adhesion of monocytes to endothelial cells induced by hyperlipidemic serum to explore the mechanism of wmt on early arteriosclerosis obliterans 目的研究溫脈通及其拆方對高脂血清誘導的單核細胞與血管內皮細胞黏附及黏附分子表達的影響,以探討溫脈通治療早期動脈硬化閉塞癥aso的機制。

Arteriosclerosis is caused by the sediment formed by lipoid such as cholesterin on the inner side of blood vessels . the magnetic field can speed up the hydrolysis of cholesterin in a purpose to reduce the concentration in the blood 動脈硬化是由于脂類物質特別是膽固醇在血管內壁上沉積對內膜造成損害,而誘發血管硬化,磁場能加速膽固醇水解作用。

The formation of arteriosclerosis plaque is involved in the basic pathologic change of arterial thrombosis , the platelet adhesive and aggregation is action as a “ trigger “ in arterial thrombosis 動脈血栓形成的基礎病變是動脈粥樣硬化,血小板黏附聚集在動脈血栓形成中起“扳機”作用,靜脈血栓形成的主要因素是淤血和高凝。

Avoid high - cholesterol foods such as pig s brain , cuttlefish , quail s eggs , lard and so on . this will reduce the chance of cholesterol depositing on the blood vessels wall causing arteriosclerosis and heart disease 避免吃膽固醇高的食物,如豬腦、魷魚、鵪鶉蛋、豬油等,以減低膽固醇積聚、血管硬化和心臟病的機會。

Advanced equipment uses the latest technology with medical - grade standards for a non - invasive assessment of arteriosclerosis . operated simply by placing sensors on four limbs , wrists amd chest 先進儀器,準確度達醫療級水準,毋須抽取血液檢驗,只需將測量血壓的壓脈帶貼在四肢、雙腕及胸膛等位置,既方便又安全。

Cdfi has important clinical values in the early diagnosis , prevention and therapeutic effect as well as prognosis of lower limb arteriosclerosis of diabetic nephropathy 如果進一步從糖尿病的病程、血糖控制程度、腎病嚴重程度與下肢動脈硬化嚴重程度之間進行關聯性探討,則更能全面體現其臨床應用價值。

A study presented at the american heart association ' s scientific sections 2004 found a link between long - term exposure to air pollution and the early stages of arteriosclerosis 描述: 2004年美國心臟協會研究表明長期生活在空氣污染的環境中與早期動脈硬化之間有聯系。

Pig liver : kilogram pig liver , it contains the cholesterol to reach as high as above 400 milligrams , but a person if absorbs the sterol , can cause the arteriosclerosis 豬肝:一公斤的豬肝,其含膽固醇高達四百毫克以上,而一個人若攝固醇,會導致動脈硬化。

Patients with symptoms of high blood - fat , blood - pressure , arteriosclerosis , diabetes , infections in lung or stomach , low immunity and those overworking brainworker 高血脂、高血壓、動脈硬化、糖尿病患者,肺、胃部感染者,免疫力低下者,用腦過度者。

There are two other forms of arteriosclerosis ( hardening of the arteries ) in addition to atherosclerosis : arteriolosclerosis and medial calcific sclerosis 除動脈粥樣硬化之外,還有其它兩種形式的動脈硬化(動脈變硬)細動脈硬化癥和動脈中層鈣化。

The application of the method will effectively alleviate and prevent the arteriosclerosis and prevent the occurrence of cardiac and cerebral blood vessels 使其在血液中濃度降低。從而緩解和預防血管硬化的發生,有效地預防心腦血管疾病的發生。

This helps to reduce the risk of blood clots and fat deposits , which are capable of depositing inside the blood vessels to cause arteriosclerosis 除此,大蒜有幫助身體血液運行的功效,因此,對削減體內的脂肪及恢復體力都有一定的幫助。

Cholesterol in blood turns into peroxide lipid , which clogs blood vessels , causing arteriosclerosis , hypertension , cardiac impairment , myocardial infraction , etc 血球被活性氧的酸化破壞,造成高血壓小動脈硬化大腦血液循環不良等。