
arteriole n.小動脈。adj.-riolar

The second form of arteriolosclerosis is shown here . the arteriole here has an “ onion skin “ appearance typical of hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis . this lesion is most often associated with malignant hypertension 細動脈硬化的第二種形態。細動脈呈“洋蔥皮”外觀,這是增生性細動脈硬化的典型表現。這種病變常常與惡性高血壓有關。

Thickening of the arterial wall with malignant hypertension also produces a hyperplastic arteriolitis . the arteriole has an “ onion skin “ appearance 惡性高血壓引起的動脈壁增厚發生增生性小動脈炎,小動脈呈洋蔥皮樣表現。


Exercise could lead to remodeling of icn , of which normal exercise load might lead to proportional increase of cardiac and icn , adapting oneself ot transmit of contractility between myocardial bundles and cardiac muscle cell ( cmc ) under conditions of myocardial hypertrophy ; and exercise overload might lead to increase of a large number of different collagen among myocardial bundles , cmc , arteriole and capillary , that could lead to increase of stiffness and descent of systolic and diastolic function of heart 運動可引起心肌間質膠原網絡結構的重塑,一般運動負荷可使心肌與間質膠原網絡同步增長,以適應心肌細胞肥大收縮力增加從而保證肌束間及心肌細胞間力的傳遞;運動超負荷可使心肌束間、心肌細胞間以及小動脈和毛細血管間不同類型膠原大量蓄積增生,導致心臟的僵硬度增加,舒縮功能降低。

After controlling for age and gender , the team found associations between a smaller ratio of retinal arterioles and venules with mri findings , including prevalent infarcts , worsening white matter grade , and incident infarct 在對年齡和性別進行控制后,研究小組在磁共振結果中發現較小比率視網膜小動脈和小靜脈之間的聯系,包括普遍的梗塞,惡化的白質程度,以及偶發的梗塞。

In diabetics , hyaline arteriolosclerosis is common . the glomerulus here stained with pas shows nodular deposits of amorphous material ( nodular glomerulosclerosis ) along with a thickened arteriole at the lower right 糖尿病患者,細動脈玻璃樣硬化(變性)是很常見的。這個pas染色的腎小球可見右下角處的增厚的細動脈管壁有無定形的物質沉積。

The second form of arteriolosclerosis is shown here . the arteriole here has an “ onion skin “ appearance typical of hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis . this lesion is most often associated with malignant hypertension 細動脈硬化的第二種形態。細動脈呈“洋蔥皮”外觀,這是增生性細動脈硬化的典型表現。這種病變常常與惡性高血壓有關。

In addition , trivial shortening of hypertrophied smooth muscle in the thickened wall of an arteriole will reduce the radius of an already narrowed lumen to a much greater extent than if the muscle and lumen were normal 另外,小動脈壁增厚時,肥大的平滑肌細胞有輕微縮短,從而使業已狹窄的管腔半徑比肌肉和管腔正常時更為縮小。

Second , when oxygen is being delivered by a cell - free carrier instead of red blood cells , complex biological mechanisms alter the flow through the smallest blood vessels ( the arterioles and capillaries ) 其次,當氧氣被替代血紅細胞的游離細胞載體傳送時,復雜的生物反應機理改變了通過最小血管(微動脈和毛細血管)的流動。

Microcirculation is reputed as second heart of human in modern medical science referring to the blood microcirculation of capillaries between arteriole and venule 微循環被現代醫學稱為: “人體第二心臟” ,是指人體微動脈與微靜脈之間微血管的血液微循環。

One form , called hyaline arteriolosclerosis , is demonstrated by the markedly thickened arteriole to the lower right of this glomerulus with pas stain 經過pas染色,可見連接右下方腎小球的細動脈已明顯變厚,它就是被稱為玻璃樣變細動脈硬化的一種形態。

Significance : hypoxic perialveolar arteriole contracts , more blood flows through sufficient ventilation alveolar and carries on effective gas exchange 意義:氧分壓低的肺泡周圍微動脈收縮,較多的血液流經通氣充足的肺泡進行有效的氣體交換。

Researchers have long suspected that an understanding of what goes wrong in the arterioles could lead to improved therapy for vasodilatory shock 研究人員早就在猜測,若能明白微動脈出了什麼問題,也許就能改善血管擴張性休克的治療方法。

Smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia in the arterioles resulting from prolonged hypertension reduce the caliber of the lumen , thus increasing tpr 長期高血壓引起小動脈平滑肌細胞肥大和增生,使管腔口徑變小,從而增加tpr 。

Note also the markedly thickened arteriole at the lower right which is typical for the hyaline arteriolosclerosis that is seen in diabetic kidneys as well 圖右下的小動脈管壁顯著增厚,是糖尿病腎病的玻璃樣變性的小動脈的典型表現。

Thickening of the arterial wall with malignant hypertension also produces a hyperplastic arteriolitis . the arteriole has an “ onion skin “ appearance 惡性高血壓引起的動脈壁增厚發生增生性小動脈炎,小動脈呈洋蔥皮樣表現。

One complication of hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis with malignant hypertension is fibrinoid necrosis , as seen here in a renal arteriole 腎臟增生性細動脈硬化合并高血壓,如圖發生纖維素樣壞死。

Arteries carry the blood from the heart to the narrowest arteries , or arterioles , which then lead into the capillaries 動脈把來自心臟的血液送到最狹窄的動脈,也就是微動脈,然后再送到微血管。

Air emboli lodge distally in the smaller arteries and arterioles of the brain and obstruct the flow of blood 空氣栓塞癥發生后,意識的改變是最常見的癥狀,其程度由方向感辨識不清到昏迷等。

Objective to understand the correlation of the smoking to carotid arterioles artheroscierosis 摘要目的?解吸煙與頸動脈粥樣硬化的關系。