
arteriography n.1.動脈搏描記法。2.動脈照相術。


Patients were drawn from the cardiac catheterization registry of the intermountain heart collaboratie study , a large , ongoing registry of patients who underwent coronary arteriography and were followed up longitudinally 短期暴露可能導致動脈粥樣硬并發癥,譬如斑塊易損性、血栓形成和急性缺血事件。

Methods a clinical observation on randomly selected patients with coronary arteriography and intervention treatment was conducted between 32 cases through radial artery and 78 cases through femoral artery 方法隨機選取進行冠脈造影和介入治療的患者,橈動脈途徑32例,股動脈途徑78例,進行臨床分析。

Conclusions : rena . inflammatory pseudotumor ' s imaging specificity is not high , which can lead to misdiagnosis , but selective renal arteriography and multiple points biopsy are important for diagnosis 選擇性腎動脈造影和多點穿刺有助于鑒別診斷,術中快速冷凍切片是診斷和決定手術范圍的直接依據。

Conclusion coronary arteriography and intervention treatment through radial artery are safe and feasible , therefore , should be spread by adopting vigorous measures 結論經橈動脈途徑行冠脈造影和介入治療安全可行,應積極推廣。

Comparative study on diagnosis of coronary heart disease with ecg after treadmill exercise test or double 2 - step excercise test , and coronary arteriography 兩種運動試驗與冠狀動脈造影診斷冠心病的對比研究

Objective to approach advantages of coronary arteriography and intervention treatment through radial and femoral arteries 摘要目的探討經橈動脈途徑行冠脈造影和介入治療的優越性。

Results arteriographies in all patients except 1 had positive findings , and the positive rate was 96 . 9 % 結果血管造影1例陰性,其他31例共46條血管均有不同程度的損傷。

Methods selective arteriography ( sag ) and selective artery embolism ( sae ) were applied in 51 cases of bai 方法對51例腹部閉合性損傷進行選擇性動脈造影診斷和栓塞治療。

Methods selective arteriography was performed in 32 patients with trauma and suspected to be vascular injury 方法對32例懷疑有血管損傷的患者進行選擇性動脈造影。

Analysis of anxiety and depression in patients with nontypical angina pectoris by coronary arteriography 冠狀動脈造影對非典型心絞痛伴焦慮抑郁情緒者特征的分析

Bleeding site of suspected gas tric or mesenteric artery was identified by selective arteriography 9例行急診血管造影; 27例經保守治療后擇期行血管造影。

Cine coronary arteriography 電影冠狀動脈造影術

Objective to evaluate arteriography in traumatic vascular injury 目的評價動脈造影在創傷性血管損傷中的診斷價值。