
artemisia n.【植物;植物學】艾;〔A-〕艾屬。


Using the non - contact infrared ray temperature measurer and an index of temperature effect proposed by ourselves , the effects of artemisia ordosica and caragana intermedia on temperature at soil surface around individual plant are studied and compared with each other . comparison of temperature at soil surface showed that caragana intermedia has more obvious effect on soil surface temperature than that of artemisia ordosica 以鄂爾多斯高原典型植物油蒿和檸條作為研究對象,采用先進的非接觸紅外測溫法,并提出度量植株溫度效應的影響指數,對鄂爾多斯高原兩種典型植物植株附近地表溫度進行了比較分析,結果表明,檸條對地表溫度的影響較油蒿明顯。

The diet of the main dominat species of rodents allactaga sibirica in stipa breriflora steppe were studied in lhurihe sunit right banner inher mongolia by stomach content analysis the results showed that : 1 . the main diet of allactaga sibirica consisted of green stems and leaves , seeds , roots and withered plants and also consisted of some insects when plant biomass were lowev . 2 . ten species of plant were often selected by allactaga sibirica during the different periods allactaga sibirica always selected artemisia frigida , kochia prostrata , heteropappus altaicus , enneapogon borealis , eragrostis poaeoides . 3 . the plant diet composition were same at the same period when water content were same but the plant diet compositon were difteren at the ditlenent periods when whater content were different 研究結果表明: 1 .五趾跳鼠的主要食物組成由綠色莖葉、種子、根、枯黃植物組織等組成,在植被生物量較低時期也采食一些昆蟲類食物; 2 .經常采食的植物種類有10種,其中在不同時期均喜食的植物有冷蒿、木地膚、阿爾泰紫菀、冠芒草、小畫眉草等植物; 3 .在水分條件相似的同一時間段內植物性食物組成較穩定,而在水分條件不一致的各時間段內,食物組成比例差異較大; 4 .有較強的幼嫩植物組織選擇和依賴性采食習性,且與放牧家畜存在較強的植物性食物資源競爭,因此是一種對草地植被破壞性和畜牧業危害均較大的鼠種。

The authors investigated thoroughly the fixed - sand method of biological net of artemisia and analyzed fixed - sand principle of it and aimed at providing theoretical basis and technological support for moving - sand harnessing and ecological restoration in desert area of liaoning northwest 深入研究了差巴嘎蒿生物網方格固沙的方法,分析了生物網方格固沙的原理,為遼西北沙漠化地區流動沙丘的治理與生態修復提供了新的理論依據與技術支持。

Artemisinin is a plant secondary metabolity of artemisia annua and it ' s level was regulation by both exogenous and endogenous factors such as temperature , light , sasonal variation , eicitor , plant growth regulator and so on 青蒿素屬于植物次生代謝產物,其生物合成與積累受多種內外環境的影響,改變條件和刺激強度有可能調節青蒿素的生物合成,影響其產量。

The effect of artemisia sphaerocephala krasch gum ( askg ) on the rheological property of blended maize - wheat flour and the quality of noodle was studied by taking the blended flour of maize and wheat ( 6 : 4 ) as raw material 摘要以玉米粉與小麥粉( 6 : 4 )的混合粉為原料,研究了添加沙蒿籽膠的玉米混合粉的流變特性和面條加工品質的變化。

Three - year experiments of fixing sand by using biological net of one - year - growth artemisia were conducted in desert area of liaoning northwest , where humidity is high and evaporation is low in rainy season 摘要利用遼寧西北部沙漠化地區雨季濕度大、蒸發量小的特點,采用一年生差巴嘎蒿枝條生物網方格進行了3年的固沙試驗研究。

Artemisinin content in artemisia annua from different regions of fengxian county , shaanxi is determined by thin layer chromatography . the results show that the artemisinin content is between 0 . 196 % and 0 . 230 % 摘要應用薄層層析法對鳳縣不同產地青蒿中的青蒿素進行了測定。測定結果表明,鳳縣青蒿中青蒿素含量為0 . 196 ~ 0 . 230 % 。

Summariszed artemisia selengensis turcz ' s advance in study history , chemical constituents , pharmacological effects and application at present in order to do further research of artemisia selengensis turcz 摘要對蔞蒿的本草考證、化學成份研究、藥理作用研究及應用現狀作一綜述,為蔞蒿的進一步研究和開發利用提供參考。

Via considering to prove capillary artemisia is advantageous bravery solves heat and disease - resistant poison , protect liver , fall action of excretive of hematic fat , step - down , stimulative bile 經研究證實茵陳有利膽解熱及抗病毒、保肝、降血脂、降壓、促進膽汁分泌的作用。

Oils of artemisia and officinale sage salvia officinalis linnaeus . determination of alpha et beta thujone content . gas chromatographic method on packed and capillary column 蒿屬側柏酮和藥用鼠尾草油精.和寧醇含量的測定.填充柱和毛細柱氣相色譜法

Results show artemisia ' s survival rate of manual plant were higher than machine plant and the speed of vegetation restoration in two experimental areas were quicker than ck 試驗研究表明:人工移栽的差巴嘎蒿的成活率明顯高于機械移栽的成活率。

Artemisinin , an active compound extracted from artemisia annua , l . together with its derivatives are widely used as anti - malarial drugs 摘要青蒿素是從植物黃花蒿中提取的抗瘧疾的活性成份,目前在臨床上廣泛用于治療瘧疾。

A novel 1886bp full - length sesquiterpene synthase ( ases ) cdna was cloned from a high - yield artemisia annua strain 001 by race strategy 用race方法從青蒿高產株系001中克隆了一個新的1886bp的全長倍半萜合酶cdna 。

The results showed that polysaccharide from artemisia anomala contain fucose , xylise , mannose and fructose in the ratio 18 . 11 : 30 . 12 : 48 . 16 : 1 . 99 結果表明,奇蒿多糖是由海藻糖、木糖、甘露糖、果糖等單糖組成。

Water - soluble polysaccharide was isolated and purified from artemisia anomal using techniques of extraction precipiation , and purification 摘要對奇蒿的水溶性多糖成分進行了分離提取及成分分析。

For the first time a 1539bp squalene synthase ( asqs ) cdna was cloned from a high - yield artemisia annua strain 001 by race strategy 用race方法首次從青蒿中克隆了一個1539bp全長鯊烯合酶cdna 。

Molecular cloning of a classical plant peroxidase from artemisia annua and its effect on the biosynthesis of artemisinin in vitro 青蒿過氧化物酶的克隆及其在體外對青蒿素生物合成的影響

The preparation of an elicitor from a fungal endophyte to enhance artemisinin production in hairy root cultures of artemisia annua l 促進黃花蒿發根青蒿素合成的內生真菌誘導子的制備

Correlation analysis between regrowth and soluble carbohydrate of artemisia frigida under different clipping intensities 不同刈割強度下冷蒿再生生長與可溶性碳水化合物的相關分析