
artemis n.【希臘神話】阿特米絲〔月亮女神〕。

After quieting the crowd , the town clerk said , “ men of ephesus , what man is there after all who does not know that the city of the ephesians is guardian of the temple of the great artemis and of the image which fell down from heaven 徒19 : 35那城里的書記、安撫了眾人、就說、以弗所人哪、誰不知道以弗所人的城、是看守大亞底米的廟、和從丟斯那里落下來的像呢。

35 the city clerk quieted the crowd and said : “ men of ephesus , doesn ' t all the world know that the city of ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great artemis and of her image , which fell from heaven 35那城里的書記安撫了眾人,就說:以弗所人哪,誰不知道以弗所人的城是看守大亞底米的廟和從丟斯那里落下來的像呢?

But when they recognized that he was a jew , a single outcry arose from them all as they shouted for about two hours , “ great is artemis of the ephesians ! 徒19 : 34只因他們認出他是猶太人、就大家同聲喊著說、大哉以弗所人的亞底米阿如此約有兩小時。

But when they realized he was a jew , they all shouted in unison for about two hours : “ great is artemis of the ephesians ! 34只因他們認出他是猶太人、就大家同聲喊著說、大哉以弗所人的亞底米阿如此約有兩小時。

When they heard this and were filled with rage , they began crying out , saying , “ great is artemis of the ephesians ! 徒19 : 28眾人聽見、就怒氣填胸、喊著說、大哉以弗所人的亞底米阿。

28 when they heard this , they were furious and began shouting : “ great is artemis of the ephesians ! 28眾人聽見,就怒氣填胸,喊著說:大哉,以弗所人的亞底米啊!


Only one of the original seven wonders , the pyramids of egypt , can still be seen . the others , including the hanging gardens of babylon , the statue of zeus at olympia , the temple of artemis at ephesus , the mausoleum at halicarnassus , the colossus of rhodes and the lighthouse of alexandria were all stories 在原先的七大奇跡中,除埃及金字塔依然屹立在地球上之外,巴比倫的“空中花園”希臘奧林匹亞的宙斯神像月亮女神阿爾特彌斯的神廟摩索拉斯陵墓羅得島太陽神銅像和亞歷山大燈塔其它幾大奇跡都已被毀壞。

The original seven world wonders , believed to have been compiled by an ancient greek author , were : the great pyramids of giza ; the lighthouse of alexandria ; the statue of zeus at olympia ; the colossus of rhodes ; the temple of artemis at ephesus ; the mausoleum of halicarnassus ; and the hanging gardens of babylon 最初的世界七大奇觀,已經被古希臘作者編輯過了,分別是:著名的金字塔,亞歷山大港燈塔,奧林匹亞宙斯雕像,羅德斯巨型雕塑像,阿耳忒彌斯神廟,摩索拉斯陵墓和巴比倫空中花園。

Low resolution satellite imagery , meteorological data and derived products and information on software tools , methods and techniques used for environmental monitoring , crop forecasting , early warning , desert locust control and others , from the artemis and agrometeorology groups , fao environment and natural resources service ( sdrn ) 來自artemis和糧農組織環境和自然資源處( sdrn )低分辨率衛星圖像、氣象數據、衍生產品和環境監測、收成預測、預警、沙漠蝗蟲控制和其它工作使用的軟件工具、方法和技術信息。

And not only is there danger that our trade will come into disrepute , but also that the temple of the great goddess artemis will be counted as nothing and that the magnificence of her whom the whole of asia and the inhabited earth worships will also be overthrown 27這樣,不但我們同業這一行的榮譽會遭到損傷,就是大女神亞底米的廟,也要被算為無有,連全亞西亞和普天下所敬拜大女神的威榮,也要銷滅了。

Acts 19 : 35 and the town clerk , having quieted the crowd , said , men of ephesus , which of you men is there then who does not know that the city of the ephesians is the temple keeper of the great artemis and of the image fallen from zeus 徒十九35那城里的書記安撫了群眾,就說,諸位,以弗所人哪,誰不知道以弗所人的城,是看守大亞底米廟,和從丟斯那里落下來之像的?

After quieting the crowd , the town clerk said , “ men of ephesus , what man is there after all who does not know that the city of the ephesians is guardian of the temple of the great artemis and of the image which fell down from heaven 徒19 : 35那城里的書記、安撫了眾人、就說、以弗所人哪、誰不知道以弗所人的城、是看守大亞底米的廟、和從丟斯那里落下來的像呢。

The other original seven wonders of the ancient world were the hanging gardens of babylon ; the statue of zeus at olympia ; the temple of artemis at ephesus ; the mausoleum at halicarnassus ; the colossus of rhodes and the lighthouse of alexandria 原七大奇觀還有巴比倫空中花園、奧林匹亞宙斯像、以弗所阿提密斯神殿、毛索洛斯墓廟、羅德斯島巨像和法洛斯燈塔。

And the town clerk , having quieted the crowd , said , men of ephesus , which of you men is there then who does not know that the city of the ephesians is the temple keeper of the great artemis and of the image fallen from zeus 35那城里的書記安撫了群眾,就說,諸位,以弗所人哪,誰不知道以弗所人的城,是看守大亞底米廟,和從丟斯那里落下來之像的?

35 the city clerk quieted the crowd and said : “ men of ephesus , doesn ' t all the world know that the city of ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great artemis and of her image , which fell from heaven 35那城里的書記安撫了眾人,就說:以弗所人哪,誰不知道以弗所人的城是看守大亞底米的廟和從丟斯那里落下來的像呢?

Like artemis , she is a virgin goddess who protects women , offers them a religious life as an alternative to marriage , and grants children to those who desire them 如阿耳特彌斯(月神與狩獵女神)那樣,她是一位保護婦女的圣女女神,給她們提供信仰生命挑選婚姻,向渴望孩子的那些人準予孩子。

Artemis : kratos , the gods demand more of you , you have learned to use the blades of chaos well , but they alone will not carry you to the end of your task 阿耳忒彌斯: “克瑞托斯,眾神對你的期許更高了,你已經學會了如何去使用混沌之刃,但是它門不足以讓你完成你最終的使命。

But when they recognized that he was a jew , a single outcry arose from them all as they shouted for about two hours , “ great is artemis of the ephesians ! 徒19 : 34只因他們認出他是猶太人、就大家同聲喊著說、大哉以弗所人的亞底米阿如此約有兩小時。

Acts 19 : 34 but when they realized that he was a jew , one voice arose from all for about two hours , crying out , great is artemis of the ephesians 徒十九34只因眾人認出他是猶太人,就同聲喊著:大哉,以弗所人的亞底米啊!如此約有兩小時。