
artefact n.= artifact.

A u . s . auction house is trying to sell one of saddam hussein ' s military uniforms online , calling it an “ ultimate artefact “ of the u . s . war in iraq 一家美國拍賣行日前正試圖通過互聯網來出售一件薩達姆侯賽因曾經穿過的軍裝,這件軍裝是美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的戰利品。

A u . s . auction house is trying to sell one of saddam hussein ' s military uniforms online , calling it an “ ultimate artefact “ of the u . s . war in iraq 一家美國拍賣行日前正試圖通過互聯網來出售一件薩達姆?侯賽因曾經穿過的軍裝,這件軍裝是美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的戰利品。

U . s . auction house is trying to sell one of saddam hussein ' s military uniforms online , calling it an “ ultimate artefact “ of the u . s . war in iraq 一家美國拍賣行日前正試圖通過互聯網來出售一件薩達姆?侯賽因曾經穿過的軍裝,這件軍裝是美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的戰利品。

“ grave goods “ comprising pottery and stone artefacts were found 墓中均有隨葬品,包括有陶器及石器。


A u . s . auction house is trying to sell one of saddam hussein ' s military uniforms online , calling it an “ ultimate artefact “ of the u . s . war in iraq 一家美國拍賣行日前正試圖通過互聯網來出售一件薩達姆侯賽因曾經穿過的軍裝,這件軍裝是美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的戰利品。

We have benefited from the enthusiastic support of industry people , filmmakers and afficionados who share our goals , contributing prints , posters , handbills and other artefacts 不少熱心的片商和電影工作者,非常認同資料館的宗旨,主動捐出影片、海報和劇照等。

A u . s . auction house is trying to sell one of saddam hussein ' s military uniforms online , calling it an “ ultimate artefact “ of the u . s . war in iraq 一家美國拍賣行日前正試圖通過互聯網來出售一件薩達姆?侯賽因曾經穿過的軍裝,這件軍裝是美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的戰利品。

U . s . auction house is trying to sell one of saddam hussein ' s military uniforms online , calling it an “ ultimate artefact “ of the u . s . war in iraq 一家美國拍賣行日前正試圖通過互聯網來出售一件薩達姆?侯賽因曾經穿過的軍裝,這件軍裝是美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的戰利品。

The stone tools , pottery and other artefacts relied on for an insight into the lives of hong kong ' s ancient inhabitants , are for the most part preserved in coastal deposits 賴以研究香港早期居民生活的石器、陶器和其他文物,大部分是在沿岸地區的沉積物中發現。

We have benefited from the enthusiastic support of industry people , filmmakers and afficionados who share our goals , contributing prints , posters , handbills and other artefacts 不少熱心的片商和電影工作者,非常認同資料館的宗旨,主動捐出影片海報和劇照等。

The national football museum in preston holds the world ' s best collection of football artefacts and archives including the fifa collection . entrance is free 位于普雷斯頓的英格蘭國家足球博物館保存著大量的世界足球收藏品,其中fifa的展覽室免費向參觀者開放。

Among the many gadgets , instruments and artefacts in its care , london ' s science museum holds a peculiar contraption that most resembles the work of a deranged plumber 在倫敦科學博物館珍藏的諸多機械工具以及人工制品中有一種很像水管工杰作的特殊的精巧裝置。

Discovered by accident during building work , the artefact initially sat unrecognised in a cupboard . jo butler , the house ' s owner , described what they found 在建筑物施工期間發現的瓶子,最初的人工品毫不知情的放在碗櫥里,房子的主人喬巴特勒描述他的所見。

Police in rome have put on display an astonishing haul of artefacts they say was plundered from archaeological sites in italy by a 74 - year - old man 近日,意大利羅馬警方從一名七旬老翁的住處查獲了9000件古代藝術品,這些藝術品均偷自意大利考古挖掘點。

After you package and deploy all j2ee artefacts of your component , you can add your new component to a collaborative template using workplace builder 在打包和部署了組件的所有j2ee工件之后,您就可以使用workplace builder將新組件添加到協作模板了。

It is also managing to repatriate more trafficked artefacts from abroad , including 18 ceramic , textile and metal objects from germany two months ago 它還成功地從國外追回更多被走私的文物,包括兩個月前從德國追回的18件陶質的,紡織的和金屬物件。

The artefact , made of gold , symbolises a mythical octopus with eight tentacles and a stylised human head displaying cat - like features 這件由純金制成的手工藝品繪有一只虛構的具有八只觸角的章魚,以及一個當地常見的看上去類似于貓的人頭圖案。

To my mind buddhist statues were no more than idols carved in wood or molded in clay ? exquisite artefacts at best , but nothing to suggest they have boundless magic power 在我眼里,泥塑木雕的佛像并不具有無邊的法力,只是精美的藝術品而已。

According to italian law , any ancient artefact found in a dig belongs to the state and cannot be sold or removed to another country 最近,意大利開始嚴厲打擊藝術品非法買賣活動。根據意大利的任何在該國境內被挖掘出來的古代藝術品都不能被