
art n.1.藝術,美術。2.〔pl.〕(中世紀大學的)文科(...

art deco

Art romeo was a good guy . 阿特羅密歐是個好小伙子。

Life and art cannot be divorced . 生活與藝術不能脫離。

The art was lost to the world . 這種技藝已在世上失傳。

He is art and part in the crime . 他是這個罪案的共犯。

Life and art can not be divorced . 生活與藝術不能脫離。

They prepared a big exhibition of dunhuang art . 他們籌備了一個大型敦煌藝術展覽。

Trina professed to be fond of art . 屈麗娜自稱愛好藝術。

New arts have been born in the course of the history of man . 新的藝術不斷誕生。

Art is the distillation of life . 藝術是現實生活的升華。

She is very knowledgeable about art . 她對藝術十分在行。

He is art and part in the crime . 他策劃并參與犯罪活動。

His empaquetages are again an art of attitude . 他的“包裝”又是一種藝術的姿態。

I do not go much for modern art . 我對現代藝術不很欣賞。

The arts of painting and carving were being developed . 繪畫和雕刻藝術得以發展。

Politic s cannot be equated with art . 政治并不等于藝術。

He and his wife are both into art . 他和他太太都迷戀藝術。

What is art beside love ? 和愛情比起來藝術又算得了什么呢?

He practiced the art of earthbound realism . 他實踐生根于土壤的現實主義藝術。

Satire is a high and subtle art . 諷刺是崇高而又含蓄的藝術。