
arsenism n.慢性砷中毒。


The protective effects of sod - enriched cili juice on oxidative damage in arsenism patients caused by burning coal 刺梨汁對燃煤型砷中毒脂質過氧化損害的拮抗作用

Arsenic contents in drinking water and arsenism status : report of a provincial survey in shaanxi province in 2005年陜西省飲用高砷水篩查和砷中毒病情調查

Facing the challenge and chance in controlling endemic arsenism of china 我國控制地方性砷中毒面臨的機遇與挑戰

Expression of mt - 1 and mt - 2 genes in blood cells in coal - burning arsenism 2基因在燃煤型砷中毒患者中的表達

A case - control studies on the risk factors of endemic arsenism 地方性砷中毒發病危險因素的病例對照研究

Standard of diagnosis for endemic arsenism 地方性砷中毒診斷標準