
arsenate n.【化學】砷酸鹽。


The correlations between the arsenate uptake ability of fe - oxyhydroxide - montmorillonite complexes and the duration of adsorption , initial concentration of arsenate , ion strength of the solution , acidity and temperature of environment are investigated and compared to the adsorption of arsenate on to montmorillonite and fe oxyhydroxide . results stow that fe - oxyhydroxide - montmorillonite complexes have a strong affinity for arsenate species under experimental conditions , which is supposed to influence the behavior of arsenate in soil 結果表明,蒙脫石復合體對砷酸根離子的吸附能力雖然略弱于水合氧化鐵,但卻明顯強于原鈣蒙脫石;吸附時間和砷初始濃度是影響復合體砷吸附量的主要因素;對于陳放時間不同的復合體來說,隨著復合體中鐵含量的增加,其對砷的吸附率及吸附容量均增大。

They have different properties from montmorillonite and fe oxyhydroxides such as larger specific area , different surface potential , etc . under the acidity , temperature and other conditions ( initial arsenate concentration , ion strength , duration of adsorption ) simulated to that of soil in tropical and sub - tropical area , the adsorption of arsenate on the prepared fe - oxyhydroxide - montmorillonite complexes were conducted 在參考實際土壤ph值和離子強度的條件下,分別以ph值、砷初始濃度、離子強度、吸附時間、吸附溫度為影響因素,進行了低聚合羥基鐵?蒙脫石復合體、蒙脫石原樣及水合氧化鐵吸附砷酸根離子的對比實驗;并用正交實驗方法,進一步研究了上述因素對復合體砷吸附能力的相對影響程度。

On the basis of the analysis , the possible mechanism of arsenate adsorption is also discussed 根據上述實驗結果,對吸附機理進行了探討。

Arsenate minerals occurred in the oxidized zone of the debao cu - sn ore deposit in guangxi 廣西德保銅錫礦床氧化帶產出的砷酸鹽礦物

Teratogenical effects of arsenate and its negative effects on ecological environment 砷制劑的毒副作用及其對生態環境的負面效應

Barium hydrogen arsenate 砷酸氫鋇

Sodium dihydrogen arsenate 砷酸二氫鈉

Effects of arsenite and arsenate on gap junctional intercellular communication 亞砷酸鈉和砷酸鈉對細胞縫隙連接間通訊的影響

Ammonical copper arsenate 氨化亞砷酸銅

Fluor - chrome - arsenate - phenol 氟鉻砷酸鹽苯酚

Standard test methods for chemical analysis of chromated copper arsenate 鉻酸鹽砷酸銅的化學分析的標準測試方法

Specification for chromated copper arsenate 鉻酸銅砒酸鹽規范

Test methods for chemical analysis of fluor - chrome - arsenate - phenol 氟鉻砷酸鹽苯酚化學分析試驗方法

Standard specification for chromated copper arsenate 鉻酸鹽砷酸銅

Specification for fluor - chrome - arsenate - phenol 氟鉻砷酸鹽苯酚規范

Test methods for chemical analysis of chromated copper arsenate 鉻酸銅砒酸鹽化學分析試驗方法

Chemical analysis of fluor - chrome - arsenate - phenol 氟鉻砷酸鹽苯酚的化學分析方法

The arsenate is usually formed in oxidation zones in contact with the atmosphere and free oxygen, and arsenic will precipitate with ferric hydroxide . 在與大氣和游離氧接觸的氧化帶中,常形成砷酸鹽,而且砷與氫氧化鐵一起沉淀。