
arsenal n.1.軍械庫,武器庫。2.兵工廠。3.〔比喻〕(思想等...

“ i knew arsenal would n ' t come here and defend 我不知道大家都怎么了。

“ arsenal is a massive game for us “阿森納對我們來說是一個很大的挑戰。

“ but i am an arsenal player and that was that “但我是阿森納的一員,這是事實。


Arsenal continued where they had left off 阿森納則繼續跟之前一樣。

Shlubb and klump were packing an arsenal 施魯布和克蘭普帶了很多槍火

Add hula hoop to your arsenal of cheap fitness training 增加hula箍來便宜的健身訓練您的武庫

Arsenal ' s central defensive problems appear to be over 阿森納中衛的危機看起來可以解除了。

Dermatologists have an arsenal of treatments that can help 皮膚學者有很多有效的治療方法。

Which brings us to arsene wenger , of arsenal 就說阿森納主帥旺熱吧。

Arsenal played after us and lost , in bolton , i think 阿森納此后在博爾頓輸了球,我想是的。

Richard , south africa : who is your best friend at arsenal 問:誰是你在阿森納最好的朋友?

Arsenals are factories that produce weapons 軍工廠是生產武器的工廠。

“ i knew arsenal would n ' t come here and defend 我不知道大家都怎么了。

The move would not be popular at arsenal 阿森納肯定不想上述情形發生。

Shlubb and klump were packing an arsenal 道格拉斯和克蘭普帶了一堆武器

Patrick has been amazing for arsenal 維埃拉給兵工廠帶來了巨大的變化。

Findbugs can be a useful tool in your arsenal Findbugs會是您的裝備庫中一件有用的工具。

When arsenal play well the whole team play well 當兵工廠表現出色整支球隊都會表現出色。

“ arsenal is a massive game for us “阿森納對我們來說是一個很大的挑戰。