
arse n.〔下流語〕屁股。

I was just sitting there iike some smug arse , thinking , “ aren ' t i a iucky sod ? 我就像個自鳴得意的大呆瓜一樣坐在那里想著自己是否是一個幸運兒


In short he and the bull of ireland were soon as fast friends as an arse and a shirt 簡言之。彼與愛爾蘭牛144旋即成為莫逆,猶如臀部與襯衫然。 ”

Frank seems to think the sun shines out of the manager ' s arse : in his opinion , he can do no wrong 弗蘭克似乎非常欽佩經理;依他之見,他不會做錯事。

I was just sitting there iike some smug arse , thinking , “ aren ' t i a iucky sod ? 我就像個自鳴得意的大呆瓜一樣坐在那里想著自己是否是一個幸運兒

Oh , and hayes sucks arse ! that idiot can ' t stop fouling to save his life 哦,海耶斯太差勁了!這白癡就不會停止犯規讓自己留在場上。

But who could love a man with one leg and a face like a hen ' s arse 但誰又愿意愛上一個只有一條腿臉長得像母雞屁股一樣的男人呢?

Time was you buggers couldn ' t get your tongues far enough up my arse . what ' s changed 你這混蛋給我舔屁股都不夠格有什么變化嗎?

Is she a lesbian , is she ? you fancy me arse , don ' t you ? you pervert 她是個同性戀嗎,是不是?你把我挑逗起來了,是吧?你個變態

We ' re not expecting sidney , are we ? - he ' s too busy kissing duke ' s arse 我們不會和辛尼一起吧,是嗎? -他忙著公爵的事

- we ' re not expecting sidney , are we ? - he ' s too busy kissing duke ' s arse -我們不會和辛尼一起吧,是嗎? -他忙著公爵的事

Yes , sir , a real arse - opener 名副其實的大屁眼

Agonising christ , wouldn t it give you a heartburn on your arse “真夠嗆,這會不會使你的屁股感到煙薰火燎呢? ”

Especially to some fascist institution where they stick a poker up your arse 尤其是那些專制的制度未經他們允許

You know . - don ' t be such an arse -你知道-別搗亂

Wiped his arse in the daily news 用日報把屁股擦。

- l , i can ' t see anywhere soft to land . - how about on your arse -我找不到可以安全著陸的地方-找你個頭!

L , i can ' t see anywhere soft to land . - how about on your arse 我找不到可以安全著陸的地方-找你個頭!

Then why does she keep looking at my arse when we are talking 那我們談話時,她為什么老是盯著我的屁股。

Kat never said a word until amy caught her scratching her arse 凱特一直都沒說,直到艾米發現她在撓屁股