
arroyo n.(pl. arroyos) 〔美國〕1.小河,小溪。...

A batch of 100 - peso 1 . 84 dollar bills with “ arroyo “ misspelled were accidentally put in circulation but the central bank said in a statement they were “ considered legal tender and should be accepted as genuine currency “ . the bank did not say how many bills with the erroneous name had been released , but newspaper reports said “ arrovo “ appeared on the bills 據法新社11月21日報道,菲律賓總統羅麗亞阿羅約英文名字的正確寫法應為“ gloria arroyo ” ,但是一批將“ arroyo ”錯誤印刷為“ arrovo ”的面值為100比索約合1 . 84美元的鈔票卻被意外地投入到了流通領域中。


Ernesto arroyo is a ph . d candidate in context - aware computing group . he investigates the integration of sensing , reasoning and memory into everyday objects . his research focuses on creating novel interfaces for devices that will assemble contextual knowledge from users , such as behaviors , preferences or environmental information Ernesto arroyo為context aware computing group之博士班候選人,他的專長在于討論日常生活用品中感官,理性與記憶的整合,而他目前的研究則專注在應用使用者行為,偏好,與環境資訊之背景知識來創造虛構界面。

A batch of 100 - peso 1 . 84 dollar bills with “ arroyo “ misspelled were accidentally put in circulation but the central bank said in a statement they were “ considered legal tender and should be accepted as genuine currency “ . the bank did not say how many bills with the erroneous name had been released , but newspaper reports said “ arrovo “ appeared on the bills 據法新社11月21日報道,菲律賓總統羅麗亞阿羅約英文名字的正確寫法應為“ gloria arroyo ” ,但是一批將“ arroyo ”錯誤印刷為“ arrovo ”的面值為100比索約合1 . 84美元的鈔票卻被意外地投入到了流通領域中。

In the joint statement issued by the two countries during the state visit to china of president gloria macapagal arroyo on 1 - 3 september 2004 , both countries agreed to further expand bilateral trade , improve trade structure , and develop potentials in trade and services 2004年9月1日至3日阿羅約總統訪華期間兩國所發表的聯合聲明指出,兩國同意進一步擴展雙邊貿易,改善貿易結構并開發貿易和服務業的潛力。雙方的目標是到2009年實現200億美元的貿易額。

The little - used milicic appeared in 25 games for the pistons this season , averaging 1 . 5 points per game in 5 . 6 minutes . arroyo , a reserve guard , averaged 3 . 2 points and 3 . 1 assists in 50 games for detroit 這個賽季很少上場的米利西奇在為活塞出場的25場比賽中場均1 . 5分,平均出場5 . 6分鐘,阿羅約,一個受限制的后衛,在未獲塞出場的50場比賽里場均3 . 2分和3 . 1次助攻。

In january , at the second east asian summit of 16 asian nations held in the philippines , the country ' s president , gloria macapagal arroyo , declared , without any orwellian irony : “ we are happy to have china as our big brother 今年一月,在菲律賓舉行了第二屆東盟峰會, 16個國家與會,會上菲律賓總統阿羅約毫不含糊的說: “我們非常高興有中國這位老大哥” 。

From the start , it has been doing all it can to prevent the raising of the wokers ' real wages despite the fact that the purchasing power of the peso has sunk to p0 . 72 compared to the onset of arroyo ' s assumption of power 盡管比索的購買力與阿羅約剛上臺時相比實際上已經縮水到原來的72 % ,但從一開始起,她的政府就千方百計地阻止提高工人的實際工資。

During the meeting with visiting chinese top legislator wu bangguo , philippine president gloria arroyo says she appreciaties china ' s active role in global affairs and hopes the two countries can further promote bilateral relations 中國和菲律賓一致表示,要聯手合作,加強兩國在全球和地區內對和平,安全,穩定以及經濟發展的影響。

The arroyo regime is concerned only with its own interests and that of its masters among the big foreign and local capitalist and landlords . it has no concern at all for the workers and toiling masses 阿羅約政權只關心它自己的以及作為它的主子的外國和本國資本家、地主的利益,而對工人階級及勞苦大眾則漠不關心。

The philippines will send 200 additional troops to haiti to help united nations peacekeeping forces curb political unrest ahead of elections , president arroyo said yesterday 菲律賓總統阿羅約19日宣布,菲政府決定再次向海地派遣維和人員,以協助多國維和部隊維護當地政治局勢,保證大選的順利舉行。

Speaking to reporters this afternoon , prime minister allawi said he had spoken to president gloria macapagal arroyo of the philippines and had urged her to reconsider the withdrawal of her forces 15日下午,阿拉維在新聞發布會上告訴記者,他已經同菲律賓總統會談,呼吁她重新考慮關于撤軍的決定。

The second people power which ousted former president joseph estrada in january and a coup that attempted to topple president gloria arroyo on may 1 are excellent examples 最佳實例就是今年1月發生的推翻前總統埃斯特拉達的第二次“人民力量” ,和5月1日發生的欲推翻阿羅約政府的暴動。

Philippine president gloria arroyo has declared a state of emergency after some military officers were detained for an alleged plot to overthrow the government 菲律賓總統宣布全國進入緊急狀態菲律賓總統阿羅約在一些軍官因據稱陰謀推翻政府被逮捕之后,宣布全國進入緊急狀態。

Philippine president gloria macapagal arroyo ( l ) performs a song with singer claire de la fuente at a valentine ' s party at the malacanang presidential place in manila february 14 , 2008 2月14日,菲律賓總統阿羅約(左)和一名女歌手在馬拉坎南宮的一個情人節派對上一起唱歌。

Even my small sample fails to support arroyo ' s thesis at all ; in fact mars / uranus hard aspects are distinguished by their absence 連我小小的樣本也完全沒辦法支持阿羅約的假說;實際上,火星/天王星硬式相位以它們的不存在而被分別出來。

Saunders said he was not ready to alter his rotation at this point in the season , thus arroyo was back in his normal spot saturday 桑德斯說這個賽季他還沒有準備好在這個位置上輪換,因此阿羅約在周六重新回到他自己的位置。

Even my small sample fails to support arroyo ' s thesis at all ; in fact mars / uranus hard aspects are distinguished by their absence 謝謝你,史帝芬,再一次地作為全部重要的“其他因素”的合格者(這里應該是在諷刺阿羅約) 。

Puerto rico - - which defeated the u . s . at the 2004 olympics - - will be led by nba players carlos arroyo and jose juan barea 波多黎各在2004年奧運會上擊敗美國隊,他們將由nba球員卡洛斯-阿羅約和喬斯-巴里亞領銜。

According to president arroyo , her state visit to china has raised the level of philippines - china relationship to a more mature and enduring level 兩國一直保持著頻繁的高層聯系以及在不同領域各個層次的交流。