
arrowroot n.【植物;植物學】1.竹竽,葛。2.竹竽粉,葛粉。


After like near future arrowroot continent dam flies a shop sign afresh go situation and to the limit of one ' s capacity rises should notice early days goes situation , if be pulled considerably , magnify again quantity , be about vigilance is banker shipment ( this time may be a few longer , banker is sucked prepare time to grow more , shipment time is long ) , island visitting extensive region goes situation ( be about in first time to the limit of one ' s capacity first shipment ) if early days is to pass dish of full share , ( at present the individual thinks to have treasure new the sources of energy ) in the to the limit of one ' s capacity when breaking through strong line or resistance line but follow - up , that ability is really true the quantity adds valence to rise dropping is not must to the limit of one ' s capacity , and shrink the volume drops consequence is more serious , because early days banker already gave money , basically be , use odd amount to be bungled again dish , medicinal powder door meet disastrous 如近期葛洲壩重新開牌后的走勢而放量上升要注重前期走勢,假如大幅拉升后再放大量,就要警惕是莊家出貨(這個時間可能比較長一些,莊家吸籌時間越長,出貨時間就長) ,看看寰島走勢(在第一次放量就要先出貨了)假如前期是經過盤整的股票, (目前個人認為有寶新能源)在突破勁線或阻力線時放量就可跟進,那才是真真正正的量增價升下跌不是一定要放量,而縮量下跌后果更嚴重,主要是因為前期莊家已出完貨,利用剩余數量再砸一下盤,散戶就會損失慘重!