
arrowhead n.1.箭頭鏃。2.= broad arrow.3.【植...

Bike , run or ski 135 miles in extreme winter from “ frostbite falls “ on the canadian border across the arrowhead region of minnesota , usa 在從“加拿大人上的凍傷下降”的極端冬季的135英里越過明尼蘇達的箭頭區域毗鄰的自行車,跑或滑雪板,美國。

“ my surgical operation is finished . the arrowhead in your leg should be cured by a physician who practices internal medicine . 醫生搖搖頭說: “外科的事我已做完,挖掉肉里的箭頭那是內科的事。 ”


The pottery vessels were mainly pots and jars , while stone artefacts included axes , adzes , arrowheads , spearheads , grinding stones , slotted rings , rings , bracelets and tube ornaments 其中陶器以釜、罐為主,石器有斧、錛、鏃、矛、磨石等工具和武器,以及? 、環、鐲、管等裝飾品,此外有玉質裝飾品和蚌器。

It is illegal to remove or disturb archeological sites , historic sites , or artifacts such as pot sherds , arrowheads , structures , and even antique bottles found on public lands 取走或干擾考古學的地點、歷史遺跡或史前遺產,例如壺的碎片、弓箭、建筑物,甚至公共場所發現的古代的瓶子,都是不合法的。

To model inheritance on a class diagram , a solid line is drawn from the child class the class inheriting the behavior with a closed , unfilled arrowhead or triangle pointing to the super class 為了在一個類圖上建模繼承,從子類(要繼承行為的類)拉出一條閉合的,單鍵頭(或三角形)的實線指向超類。

Figure 7 . thrombus in a vein ( arrows ) , identified by the absence of elastic fibers ( resorcin ? fuchsin elastic tissue stain , ? 125 ) . in contrast , a nearby artery contains internal elastic fibers ( arrowhead ) 圖7 .血管缺乏彈性纖維,證明為靜脈,并見靜脈血栓(箭頭) 。相反,附近的動脈存在彈性纖維。

The system uses the arrowhead to express the speed vector of wind field and uses the contour line and color cloud to express the height of wave field 風場風速矢量場采用方向箭頭實現可視化,并且可同步顯示氣壓場信息,海浪場可視化采用等高線、彩色云圖、文本數值輸出,也可實現風場同步。

A uni - directional association is drawn as a solid line with an open arrowhead not the closed arrowhead , or triangle , used to indicate inheritance pointing to the known class 一個單向的關聯,表示為一條帶有指向已知類的開放箭頭(不關閉的箭頭或三角形,用于標志繼承)的實線。

As for the shape , it ' s similar with iron arrowheads in liao and yuan dynasties , and is right direction when the head of arrow is downwards . interesting 從形狀看,與遼、元代鐵鏃的形狀十分相似,而且箭頭朝下是為正確的擺放姿勢。 “令箭”一詞是否就由此而來?有趣。

The price of foreign exchange trade compares with closing price the day before yesterday , which adopts the up arrowhead and down arrowhead show rise and fall , - shows invariable 外匯交易價格與前日收盤價格相比較,采用顏色表示漲跌,紅-漲,綠-跌,黃-不變。

In a source window , click the yellow arrowhead and drag it to a location where you want to set the next statement in the same source file , or 在源窗口中,單擊黃色箭頭,要將下一條語句設置到哪個位置,就將箭頭拖到該位置,該位置應在同一源文件中,或者

Brown jasper is balancing and grounding , and carved into an arrowhead , it is worn to attract luck . leopard skin jasper is said to bring one what is needed 據說,在印度戰役后,當他在euphrate河中洗澡時,腰帶上的寶石被一條蛇拖走了,并掉進了河里。

Operate guidebook : mouse the left key shoot , move , the blank space key can pause , can choose bullet or reinforce star etc . while appearing red arrowhead under 操作指南:鼠標左鍵射擊、移動,空格鍵可暫停,下方出現紅色箭頭時可選擇子彈或加固星球等。

Dish is the mouth right the red white green arrowhead of next horn what meaning to represent ? why be to sell completely dish , appoint is comparing however 100 percent 盤口右下角的紅白綠箭頭個代表什么意思?為什么全是賣盤,委比卻是正的百分之百?

As early as 7 , 000 years ago , chinese ancestors used bamboo to make arrowheads , bows and arrows for entertainment , hunting and war 竹子與人類的文化生活結下了不解之緣,早在7000年前,我們的祖先就用竹制作了箭頭、弓弩等武器,用于娛樂、捕獵或戰爭。

Bike , run or ski 135 miles in extreme winter from “ frostbite falls “ on the canadian border across the arrowhead region of minnesota , usa 在從“加拿大人上的凍傷下降”的極端冬季的135英里越過明尼蘇達的箭頭區域毗鄰的自行車,跑或滑雪板,美國。

In the left navigation pane , click the arrowhead next to basic settings to expand the tree and select module sequence in the tree 在左邊的導航窗格中,單擊basic settings前的箭頭,展開樹,并在樹中選擇module sequence 。

Aisles must be separated from production areas by yellow painted lines , and there should be evacuation arrowheads marked on the aisles 生產車間應以黃色通道線把生產區域與通道劃分出來,通道上還應標示疏散方向箭頭。

Therefore , because you are at the beginning of the arrowhead that is changing the paradigm of everything , you also receive the most heat 因此,因為你是在正在改變的每件事物的思維的箭頭的開始,你也受到最大的壓力。