
arrow n.1.矢,箭。2.箭狀物,箭頭記號〔→〕。3.〔the...

arrow wood

The arrows and the pins on the military maps were closing in day by day, from all directions, on warsaw and byron henry . 軍用地圖上的箭頭和小針,從四面八方,一天一天地向華沙和拜倫亨利逼近。

He paused, strong in the conviction that he had sent the most dangerous arrow flying in the direction of cowperwood . 他停頓一下,深信他已經向柯帕烏放射了最危險的一箭。

Curare is a generic term for various south american arrow poisons. the drug has a long and romantic history . 箭毒是各種南美洲箭毒的屬稱。此藥有一悠久而傳奇式的歷史。

It is common practice to represent forces by means of arrows on sketches in solving force problems . 在解決力的問題時,通常的作法是在示意圖上用箭頭表示力。

Thus the arrow points from high to low potential and in the direction of assumed current flow . 因而箭頭是從高電位指向低電位,并且與假定的電流正方向一致。

Venus, playing one day with her boy cupid, wounded her bosom with one of his arrows . 有一日維納斯和兒子丘比特戲耍時,胸脯被丘比特的一支箭劃了一下。

The enemy on the right flank is now like a spent arrow and no longer a threat to our position . 右翼的敵人已經是強弩之末,不能再威脅我們的陣地了。

One had a bow and arrow raised to shoot, but seeing the girl, he lowered it 其中一個人舉起弓箭要射,但是當他看到姑娘以后,便放下了弓箭。

She had her bow and arrow in her hand, and placing herself on the chalk-mark traced on the turf . 她拿起弓箭站在草坪上白粉劃線的地方。

But an arrow from atalanta at length for the first time tastes the monster's blood . 倒是阿塔蘭忒射出的一枝箭第一次使那亞魔流了血。

He whose arrow was seat through the whole twelve rings was to have the queen for his prize . 誰一箭射過全部十二個環誰就贏得了王后。

If the direction of one arrow is reversed, all four must be reversed . 如果有一個箭頭的方向被搞反了,則所有四個箭頭都必須反過來。

Your delightful little letter has just arrived and went like an arrow to my heart . 你那封痛快的短信剛來到,象一支箭穿了我的心。

Two tribes were fighting furiously sending clouds of arrows through the air . 兩個部落正在你死我活地打著,箭象雨點一般。

The removal of a neutron from the system is indicated by the head of an arrow . 用箭頭表示一個中子從這個系統中的移動。

On every side the company of the black arrow was making for the hill . 黑箭黨的黨羽們,正從四面八方向著小山包圍上來。

The self-loop of course, could be drawn with the arrow either way . 自然,環按其方向可以畫在下面也可以畫在上面。

Through an arrow loophole he commanded a view upon the farther side . 他從一個箭洞里可以觀察到那邊的動靜。

As they stood breast to breast, one arrow pierced them both . 當他們胸貼胸站在一起時,一支箭射穿了他們倆。