
arrogate vt.1.僭稱,冒稱;霸占,擅取。2.不當地把…歸于 (...

“ no , indeed , “ replied monte cristo with a smile , “ i do not arrogate to myself the right of so doing . “不, ”基督山帶笑答道, “我不敢想能有那種權利。 ”


However , 4 tiers of courts in our country can perform the fires - trial function . the intermediate court , which should have been the fires - trial court of common cases , has become the appeal court and final verdict court and thus has arrogated tights of the high level court and the highest court 我國法院系統的四級法院都履行著初審法院的職能,本應作為普通案件初審法院的中級法院便成了普通案件的上訴法院和終審法院,代行了本應由高級法院和最高法院行使的職權。

And subjectivism holding the illegal based on the defendant ’ s regard that the external behavior and hurt are the appearance of the defendant ’ s interpret internal subjective psychology . so this can cause judicial personnel to be apt to consider the subjective evil wider than the subjective fault that demonstrating in the external behavior and in fact , the subjective psychology of people is extremely complicated . so it can cause judicial authority to arrogate it ’ s powers to oneself excessive punishment in practice often according to behavioral subjective malignant judgement and this viloates the goal of running a country with modern social law 而主觀主義以人的主觀惡性及人身危險性作為違法性判斷的根本依據,由于該學說將外部的行為及實害理解為內部主觀心理的表現,從而導致司法人員容易考慮比在外部行為及實害中表現出的主觀罪過更廣的主觀惡,而人的主觀心態極為復雜,不依據行為的主觀惡性的判斷往往在實踐中就導致了司法機關的專權濫刑,這就與現代社會法治國的目標相違背。

It was consoling , under the hovering terror of to - morrow s separation , to feel that he really recognized her now as his wife tess , and did not cast her off , even if in that recognition he went so far as to arrogate to himself the right of harming her 她心里縈繞著明天分離的恐怖,因此當她覺得他現在真正承認她是他的妻子了,并沒有把她扔出去,即使他敢利用這種承認的權利傷害她,這也是對她的安慰。

E : fact description , instruction is a kind of special cognitive activity , arrogates value judgment , instruction should cultivate student with all - round development of personality , to itself 其實質是事實與價值的關系問題,即“教學是一種特殊的認識活動”作為一個事實判斷僭越“教學應該培養個性全面發展的人”這一價值判斷的問題。

The condition and the aims of life are both represented in religion poetically , but this poetry tends to arrogate to itself literal truth and moral authority , neither of which it possesses 生活的目標和條件在宗教中詩一般的呈現,但這種詩意往往把宗教所并不具有的樸實真理和道德威力沒有來由的歸于宗教。

Not poets alone , nor artists , nor that superior order of mind which arrogates to itself all refinement , feel this , but dogs and all men 并非只有詩人藝術家或者感情細膩的上流人物才感受到了這種愁思。連狗和普通人都受了感染。

“ no , indeed , “ replied monte cristo with a smile , “ i do not arrogate to myself the right of so doing . “不, ”基督山帶笑答道, “我不敢想能有那種權利。 ”

Rotation of arrogate to oneself leases a building , what responsibility should assume 擅自轉租房屋,應承擔什么責任?

Psychology of meaning : a new proactive exploration by arrogating dualism 僭越二元論的新的積極探索

Do not arrogate wrong intentions to your friends 不要硬說你的朋友存心不良。

Arrogating to criticism an introduction to literary criticism 語言觀癥候批評

In giving these outlines i do not mean, fellow-citizens, to arrogate to myself the merit of the measures . 同胞們,我敘述了這些要點,并不是我要霸占這些措施的功績。

He arrogated to himself the right to change the law . 他妄稱有權改變法律。