
arrogant adj.自大的,傲慢的,妄自尊大的。 arrogant ...


It is an arrogant game on its very design alone 一項很自大的比賽,單看它比賽的設計就知道

Possible . self - study exam is very arrogant 可以的。自學考試牛得很呢。

I keep talking about myself , acting arrogant and obnoxious 不斷地自吹自擂,讓她感到厭煩

It ' s not good if it makes you arrogant 知道自己所長而有自信不是壞事。

Arrogant , stubborn assertion of opinion or belief 武斷對某意見或信條的傲慢而固執的論斷

Oh foolish scholar , educated arrogant idiot 笨學士文質彬彬的傲慢白癡過路英雄滋味如何?

Like all shy men he sometimes appeared arrogant 也象一切羞怯的人一樣,他有時顯得傲慢。

One should never be arrogant even when he is at his best 一個人在最得意時也不應傲慢。

You know , briggs , i ' d warn you not to be so arrogant , 布里格斯,我應該警告你不要太囂張

Please , he ' s such a conceited , arrogant 得了吧,他是個自以為是傲慢無禮

Someone attractive , smart , but not arrogant 一些迷人,聰明,但不自大的人

I think he is a cool and arrogant person 我覺得他是不友善、態度傲慢的人。

John is so arrogant . he needs to be taken down a peg 約翰太傲慢了,得煞煞他的威風。

No one as ugly as you deserves to be so arrogant 沒人像你這樣丑還那么得意

One should never be arrogant even when he is at his best 一個人在最得意時也不應傲慢

Let us guard we arrogant beautiful love together 讓我們一起捍衛我們驕傲明媚的愛情

It ' s arrogant of you to assume you ' ll win every time 你太自大了,認為你每次都能贏

And here he comes with that trademark arrogant scowl 他出來了!依舊保持著自大的臭臉

Declining requests from others in an arrogant manner 以傲慢的態度拒絕他人的要求。