
arrogance n.自大,傲慢 (opp. humility)。 arr...

“ i ought to be chief , “ said jack with simple arrogance “我該當頭兒, ”杰克驕矜地說。

And the greatest arrogance of all , “ save the planet . 而最自以為是的,就是“保護地球”

“i ought to be chief,“ said jack with simple arrogance . “我該當頭兒,”杰克驕矜地說。


The biggest failure of life is arrogance 人生最大的失敗是自大。

Ah , the pomposity of his tone , the bluster , the arrogance 啊,他那巧舌如簧,那咆哮,那傲慢。

She interpret his silence as arrogance 她把他的沉默解釋為傲慢。

Zhang xiao - yu wang and purple arrogance wield that distinction 張筱雨與那個王紫驕有啥區別?

She was in arrogance to assume she would win every time 她認為每次都能贏,未免太自大了。

His arrogance made everyone dislike him 他的傲慢態度使誰也不喜歡他。

She refused to put up with her boss ' s arrogance any longer 她再也不愿忍受她老板的傲氣。

Her arrogance only reflects on herself 她的傲慢無禮只能使她自己出丑。

The arrogance of his speech made many leave early 他的發言是傲慢的,令許多人提前退場。

Just the design of the game speaks of arrogance 它的比賽設計就顯得自大

“ i ought to be chief , “ said jack with simple arrogance “我該當頭兒, ”杰克驕矜地說。

But biology contradicts this arrogance 但是生物學反駁了這種傲慢的心態。

Ifit weren ' t foryour colossal arrogance and stupidity . . 如果不是你極為的傲慢和愚蠢. .

And the greatest arrogance of all , “ save the planet . 而最自以為是的,就是“保護地球”

The hostess couldn ' t possibly tolerate his arrogance 女主人怎樣也不能容忍他的傲慢。

You know , um , arrogance doesn ' t turn me on 呃,你的自大并沒有讓我興奮起來