
arrivederci int.〔意大利語〕回頭見! 再見!〔暫時分別時用語〕。

“ but the instant he loses interest then it ' s arrivederci chelsea i ' m afraid . “而萬一他失去興趣,我恐怕切爾西得吃不了兜著走咧。


“ but the instant he loses interest then it ' s arrivederci chelsea i ' m afraid . “而萬一他失去興趣,我恐怕切爾西得吃不了兜著走咧。

If we don ' t pick it up in the second haif it ' s arrivederci piayoffs 如果下半場我們追不回來,這就意味我們提前告別季后賽

Bonne chance . arrivederci 祝你成功,再見

- arrivederci . - i ' ll see you -再見-回頭見

Arrivederci . - i ' ll see you 再見(意大利語) -回頭見