
arrival n.1.到達,抵達。2.到達者;到達物。3.出現,登場。...

arrival list

My report home shows that we cut deeply into business on the night of our arrival . 我給國內的報告表明我們在到達的那天夜,就深入地談到了重要的問題。

The analysis of seismograms indicates that the first arrival is a p-wave, followed by a s-wave . 地震波記錄曲線的分析表明,初至波是P波,隨后是S波。

Any man coming on your job during the day, you must take note of the exact time of his arrival . 白天如有人到你處工作,你必須記下他上工的準確時間。

Fanny went to bed with her heart as full as on the first evening of her arrival at the park . 范妮象她來到莊園的第一個晚上那樣心事重重地上床了。

Roberta, even before the arrival of clyde in her life, did not want to be so clung to . 即便在克萊德跟自己來往以前,羅伯塔也不希望這樣粘在一起。

They have a site ready on a nearby beach where the duke's boat will berth on arrival . 他們在附近的海灘上準備了一塊地方,公爵的船將在那里登陸。

He had expected that bethune's arrival meant the beginning of an official inquiry into his work . 他曾以為白求恩的到來意味著正式檢查他的工作。

In reality, he has established one schedule for arrivals and tested it only once . 實際上,他只列出一個到達的時間表,并且只是進行了一次試驗。

He struck lucky the very day of his arrival by finding a job that exactly suited him . 他交上好運,在到達澳洲的當天就找到了完全合適的工作。

On his arrival he crept up to his dressing-room with somewhat of a palpitating heart . 他到家以后,悄悄走上樓,心頭有點兒忐忑地進了更衣室。

It was he whose arrival in his capital called up all france in arms to defend him there . 他來到法國的首都,鼓動法國人民武裝起來保衛他。

The mood of most arrivals was clearly evident; it varied between resentment and anger . 大多數來人的情緒是顯而易見的,從不滿到憤怒都有。

The arrival ceremony for state guests at the white house is simple and impressive . 在白宮舉行的歡迎國賓的儀式是簡樸而給人印象深刻的。

No one knew of our impending arrival much less of our mission or predicament . 誰也不知道我們馬上就要到達,更不知道我們的使命和困境。

The sudden arrival of the troops in the village came as a great surprise to the inhabitants . 隊伍驀然地進了村子,使居民們大吃一驚。

On arrival kennedy took a streaming bath to ease the pain of his back . 一到達寓所,肯尼迪馬上洗了一個蒸汽浴,以減緩他背部的疼痛。

We welcome arrival of russian military mission in order to concert future plans . 我們歡迎俄國軍事代表團前來,以便協商未來的計劃。

Invite them only on those occasions when their late arrival will not inconvenience you ! 在他們的遲到不會妨礙你的時候再邀請他們。

The arrival gave me another opportunity to practice the reviewing of troops . 這次到達給我提供了一個練習檢閱儀仗隊的機會。