
arrest vt.1.逮捕,拘捕,扣留。2.止住,阻止,抑制。3.吸...

Proponents of such opinions were arrested as “traitors. “ 提倡這種主張的人馬上作為“賣國賊”逮捕起來。

“you've been under arrest for ten minutes, “silky“ bob. “ “你已經被捕十分鐘了,‘溜滑的’鮑勃。”


The police raided the club and arrested several dubious characters . 警察襲擊俱樂部并且逮捕了幾個可疑人物。

Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests . 恐怖分子用炸彈襲擊了警察局報復逮捕行動。

He interceded for the arrested leaders of the national salvation association . 他為被捕的救國會領袖說項。

Once watergate erupted, it was impossible to arrest its course . 水門事件一朝敗露,就無法控制事態的發展。

Millions of them starved or were arrested and deported . 他們中的數百萬人因饑餓而死,或遭逮捕和驅逐出境。

He was arrested . 他被抓起來了。

Indeed that start of surprise interested and arrested clyde . 的確,這種驚異的神色,引起克萊德的注意。

Proponents of such opinions were arrested as “traitors. “ 提倡這種主張的人馬上作為“賣國賊”逮捕起來。

How could we arrest scientific and industrial progress ? 我們可以用什么方法來阻止科學和工業的進步呢?

The tv cameras were in at the death and filmed the arrest . 進行逮捕時正好有電視攝像機錄下了這場面。

He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy . 他被引誘越過邊界,然后當做間諜被捕。

A bystander asked johnny if he was going to arrest diamond . 一個圍觀者問約翰尼他要不要逮捕戴蒙德。

“you've been under arrest for ten minutes, “silky“ bob. “ “你已經被捕十分鐘了,‘溜滑的’鮑勃。”

If they have the goods on him, why don't they arrest him ? 他們既然找到了他的罪證,為什么不逮捕他?

That i should see a child of mine arrested for selling drugs ! 我竟然看見自己的孩子因販毒而被捕。

The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone . 警察被召來了,但他們不能逮捕任何人。

The bright colours of the flowers arrested the girl 's attention . 花的艷麗色彩引起了女孩的注意。