
arrearage n.1.〔pl.〕 欠款。2.落后,拖延,延誤。3.備用...

Based on these reasoning , the author give t - telecomm the following proposals , t - telecomm could carry out effective customer credit management systems , acquaint and segment customers based on customers “ credit scores , and upgrade business supporting systems , improve charging services quality totally , fill up the bugs in the customer arrearage management system 在這些問題分析基礎上提出實行有效的信用管理、認識和細分用戶、改進業務支撐系統、提高收費服務水平的策略,最終達到提高收費服務水平,降低用戶欠費比率,減少壞帳的目標。

It is as follows : the overlay of endowment insurance is narrow , the most individual indust - - ries , the private enterprise and non - agriculture persons still have not brought into the current endowment insurance system ; the levy level descends , the phenomenon of arrearage still cannot be forbidden ; the level of orchestration is low and lack of adjustment necessarily ; “ the difference in amount appropriates different insurance fee “ the problem still exists ; the retirement age is so early “ the phenomenon of reti - - rement in advance is more serious ; the degree of socialization is low , the onus of the state - owned enterprise is overweight and so on 主要表現在;養老保險覆蓋面窄,大多數個體工商戶和私營企業以及非農業人員還沒有那入到現行的養老保險體系;征繳水平下降,欠費現象屢禁不止;統籌層次低,缺乏必要的調劑; “差額繳撥”問題依然存在;退休年齡鍋灶, “提前退休”現象比較嚴重;社會化程度低,國有企業負擔過重等諸多方面。


To raise both economic and social benefits of hospitals , many measures need to be considered : management through net - works ; raising the quality of the staff of shroff ; establish rules and regulations ; set up 3 - level auditing system ; consummate the management course of the patients ' charge ; make up of various possible leaks ; reduce the patients ' arrearage 通過微機網絡化管理,提高收費員的整體素質,建章立規,實行三級審核制度,完善在院病人費用的環節管理,堵塞各種漏洞,減少出院病人欠款,使醫院社會效益和經濟效益同步上升。

In the case analysis , the author analyzed the customer structure and time structure of t - telecomm ' s customer arrearage firstly , and then using the services - gap model to discuss the problems in t - telecomm ' s charging services and the customer arrearage management systems , so we could have a clearly comprehension about why t - telecomm has such high bad debts 案例分析從t電信的用戶欠費帳齡結構分析和用戶結構入手,然后結合管理服務質量的理論,對t電信的收費服務以及欠費管理中存在的問題進行分析,剖析t電信產生高額用戶欠費的根源。

Based on these reasoning , the author give t - telecomm the following proposals , t - telecomm could carry out effective customer credit management systems , acquaint and segment customers based on customers “ credit scores , and upgrade business supporting systems , improve charging services quality totally , fill up the bugs in the customer arrearage management system 在這些問題分析基礎上提出實行有效的信用管理、認識和細分用戶、改進業務支撐系統、提高收費服務水平的策略,最終達到提高收費服務水平,降低用戶欠費比率,減少壞帳的目標。

T - telecomm belongs to china telecomm group , its market share has greatly reduced since 1999 , and its business growth ratio is also behind its main competitors . t - telecomm only gained 0 . 9 % growth ratio in jan . 2002 , compared with the same period of last year . t - telecomm also has large numbers of bad debts , because thousands of customers have n ' t paid their billing , and the total arrearage is between 3 % and 4 % of t - telecomm ' s revenue per year T電信公司隸屬中國電信集團公司,從1999年開始, t電信的市場份額逐年萎縮,業務增長率也遠遠低于其主要競爭對手, 2002年1月份的業務收入和去年相比僅增長了0 . 9 ;與此同時企業內部卻有大量的用戶欠費、壞帳損失產生,年平均用戶欠費約占其業務收入的3 4 。

It is as follows : the overlay of endowment insurance is narrow , the most individual indust - - ries , the private enterprise and non - agriculture persons still have not brought into the current endowment insurance system ; the levy level descends , the phenomenon of arrearage still cannot be forbidden ; the level of orchestration is low and lack of adjustment necessarily ; “ the difference in amount appropriates different insurance fee “ the problem still exists ; the retirement age is so early “ the phenomenon of reti - - rement in advance is more serious ; the degree of socialization is low , the onus of the state - owned enterprise is overweight and so on 主要表現在;養老保險覆蓋面窄,大多數個體工商戶和私營企業以及非農業人員還沒有那入到現行的養老保險體系;征繳水平下降,欠費現象屢禁不止;統籌層次低,缺乏必要的調劑; “差額繳撥”問題依然存在;退休年齡鍋灶, “提前退休”現象比較嚴重;社會化程度低,國有企業負擔過重等諸多方面。

The author introduces the marketing place , business supporting systems , charging services , the customer arrearage management system in the case . the discussion is what strategies t - telecomm should take to improve its customer arrearage management 案例部分還介紹了t電信營銷服務渠道、收費服務渠道、欠費管理體系和相關的管理信息系統情況,最后提出了本案例要討論的問題: t電信該采取什么樣的策略來加強用戶欠費管理,降低壞帳損失。

Check account with the financial department and control the arrearage 與財務部門帳目核對及應收欠款的控制。

Analysis on patients ' arrearage 患者欠費情況分析報告