
arrear n.1.〔pl.〕欠款,尾數;欠工,尾活。2.(工作的)...

We are once times feel the proud of at the request of try the course , teaching material that educate system , we “ s rely for existence with the teaching mode , the already and far and far in arrear of knowledge - based economy ages develop of , the education reform want to proceed right away , creative of the utmost urgency of education 在中國,社會各界,從政府部門到普通老百姓,都格外關心和關注教育,特別是關注與幾乎所有家庭都休戚相關的基礎教育。我們曾倍感自豪的應試教育體系,我們賴以生存的課程、教材和教學模式,已經遠遠地落后于知識經濟時代發展的要求,教育改革勢在必行,教育創新迫在眉睫。

To counter the orient baoli international consult centre that calculate five hundred arrear cases “ reasons concludes that about seventy percent of arrear questions takes place before delivering goods 東方保理國際咨詢中心對處理過的500個拖欠案例進行原因統計分析,其數據表明,在全部拖欠案件中,大約70直接產生于在貨物發出之前。


According to study and investigation , the author considers principles in company memorandum of corporation law in china arrear with more unreasonable factions , which lead to legal defect and inconvenience in practical operation , compared with the scientific and advanced in foreign examples on legislation 通過研究,并對照國外先進、科學的公司章程之立法例,筆者發現我國公司法中有關公司章程之規定存在著諸多不合理之處,從而帶來了立法的缺陷,也給公司的實際運作帶來諸多不便。

We are once times feel the proud of at the request of try the course , teaching material that educate system , we “ s rely for existence with the teaching mode , the already and far and far in arrear of knowledge - based economy ages develop of , the education reform want to proceed right away , creative of the utmost urgency of education 在中國,社會各界,從政府部門到普通老百姓,都格外關心和關注教育,特別是關注與幾乎所有家庭都休戚相關的基礎教育。我們曾倍感自豪的應試教育體系,我們賴以生存的課程、教材和教學模式,已經遠遠地落后于知識經濟時代發展的要求,教育改革勢在必行,教育創新迫在眉睫。

Miss bingley was very deeply mortified by darcy s marriage ; but as she thought it advisable to retain the right of visiting at pemberley , she dropt all her resentment ; was fonder than ever of georgiana , almost as attentive to darcy as heretofore , and paid off every arrear of civility to elizabeth 達西結婚的時候,彬格萊小姐萬分傷心,可是她又要在彭伯里保持作客的權利,因此便把多少怨氣都打消了她比從前更喜愛喬治安娜,對達西好象依舊一往情深,又把以前對伊麗莎白失禮的地方加以彌補。

The credit sale is applied by more and more enterprises as a method of marketing . however , it also brings about arrear question . in order to solve this question , enterprises study and take some measures to control 信用賒銷作為市場營銷的一種手段越來越被更多的企業所采用,但隨之而來的也產生了令企業苦惱的問題? ?拖欠問題,為了解決這個問題,企業紛紛進行研究,采用一些手段對其進行控制,信用管理問題也就成為企業普遍關注的問題。

In october 2003 council chaired a meeting with the labour department and the legal aid department to exchange views on whether any improvement could be made in respect of legal aid cases on arrear of wages involving lad and ld 本局于二零零三年十月主持的聯席會議中,就牽涉法律援助署法援署與勞工署有關拖欠薪金的法援個案上,與勞工署及法援署交換意見,尋求改善方法。

Domestic brand cell phone factories under the situation of technique and designing in arrear of abroad ones , have occupied near half of market quota , in which the established marketing channel was a very important reason 國產品牌手機在技術和設計落后于國外產品的情況下,異軍突起,搶占近二分之一的市場份額,銷售渠道的建立功不可沒。

To counter the orient baoli international consult centre that calculate five hundred arrear cases “ reasons concludes that about seventy percent of arrear questions takes place before delivering goods 東方保理國際咨詢中心對處理過的500個拖欠案例進行原因統計分析,其數據表明,在全部拖欠案件中,大約70直接產生于在貨物發出之前。

If 30 days overdue is past ( no matter whether party a files a formal request of or not , party b shall pay all the arrear rental . ) , this contract will automatically be terminated according to term 10 . 2 of the contract 如超過三十天未付(無論甲方是否提出要求乙方補繳應付租金) ,根據合同10 . 2條,本合同自動終止。

It is mainly because of the uncertainly factor that unpredicted and it ’ s risk , this cause not only the serious wasting about resource but also the arrear of company ’ s fighting chance then affect the whole running strategy 這不僅造成了資源的嚴重浪費,更延誤了公司的戰機,影響了公司的總體經營戰略。

Payment in arrear 延滯付款

Wage arrear of migrants an empirical analysis using china ' s urban labor survey data 利用勞動力調查數據進行的實證分析

Study of telecom customer arrear evaluation based support vector machine 基于免疫進化支持向量機的年用電量預測

Operational policy and procedures : arrear of wages in insolvency cases 運作政策及程序:破產欠薪個案的處理

Arrear of wages in insolvency cases 破產欠薪個案的處理

My legal thinking over constructing china ' s salary - arrear security system 構建我國欠薪保障制度的法學思考

The arts of medicine and surgery are somewhat in arrear in africa 醫療和外科手術在非洲稍微有些落后。

An arrear predicting model based on support vector machine in telecom 分類器的電信欠費預測模型